Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mary Worth 715

Mary Worth, the ultimate WASP, has left an empty chair for Elijah the Prophet. Happy Passover everybody.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Good call on the empty chair, Wanders! I would have missed that! Also, I must compliment Joe Giella on his successful portrayal today of: The Awkward Moment. You could cut the tension at Mary's dinner party with a knife! Delicious, teehee!

  2. Heaven knows what could happen with these shiksas and shaygetz at this dinner party.

  3. It sure ain't a seder, I can tell you that.

    I wonder what would happen if a Jewish person, or a black person, or an Asian person would actually move into Charterstone? Would Mary have the newcomer over to dinner? Would this strange person be welcome at a pool party? Would this person get run out of town one step before the tar and feathers?

    I, for one, would love to see Moy address this plot line...

  4. All that dry food and not a drop to drink.

  5. "Did I say roast chicken? I, of course, meant mashed roast chicken"

  6. "Mary, you must tell me! Did you get that barcode tablecloth at Marcy's or at Stears?"

  7. I love that she's got Elijah's seat at the end of the table, and she's in the center (?) of the other side. She'll set a place, but draws a line at sitting next to him.

    Happy Pesach, my friend!

  8. Ah, of course, Elijah the Prophet...

    Speaking of Returns!

  9. The second panel for today's strip is hysterical. Ernie and Bonnie look so tense, and Mary is troubled about the secret she's dying to get out of her guests.

  10. Bonnie? Can I serve you a large boiled potato? I also have small boiled potatoes if you're interested. Ernie, please help yourself to the overflowing bowl of mashed potatoes.

    Quite a spread! But no bitter herbs to remind us of our bondage... to the Charterstone Condo Board.

  11. I'm imagining a first date with Mary... "I want you to ENJOY this date with me." "I want us to GET TO KNOW each other better." "I hope WE KISS."

  12. I'm just surprised that their clothing has stayed the same size, shape and color for two whole days.

  13. Let's see...brown n' serve rolls, 1/2 cup of peas, steaming yellow dealies, and some flat pinkish things that may or may not be ham.

    Say, that IS an impressive spread.

  14. Looks delicious? LOOKS DELICIOUS?!

  15. 3/31/10: Mary Worth has napkin dangling from mouth. Cannot comprehend why guests are so put off. Will study further.


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