Monday, March 29, 2010

Mary Worth 714

"Like roast chicken? We LOVE it! In fact, we had roast chicken on our first date, and it is the first meal I prepared for Ernie after our wedding. Oh, wait, did you way roast chicken? I thought you said, 'tuna casserole.' I was expecting you to say 'tuna casserole.' Yeah, roast chicken is fine."

Today's Full Strip


  1. I wonder where Ernie wants to be. It certainly isn't here.

  2. Ernie looks THRILLED at the prospect of roast chicken.

  3. Another riviting story from the pen of Karen Moy. For her next story, Mary watches paint dry.

  4. Bonnie? Bonnie Johnson? and Ernie seem to be a very unhappy couple.

  5. Well, it is a relief to know that Moy will never write a WW2 foxhole movie. You know, the one where the names of the soldiers in the foxhole are named O'Kelley, Goldstein, Smith, Mazzoli, and Fujisaki?

    Could Moy be anymore "whitebread" than Johnson, Worth, Cameron,etc?

  6. Vicki (bringing wine)March 29, 2010 at 12:41 PM

    Ernie looks like he'd rather be home poking his eyes out with sharp sticks than be at Mary's for her chicken and "white" bread dinner. Mercy, I'd pay good money to have heard THAT conversation!!!

  7. I find it hard to believe that this demure and stubby wilted flower woman is the same character who just hours ago was lifting 2 bulging packages and towering over Mary.

    Is Bonnie?Bonnie Johnson's suddenly diminished personage caused by her proximity to the stern and disapproving Mr. Johnson? Could be, but I don't think so.

    I'd like to imagine that Toby warned the Johnsons: Stick to small talk; Mary's on the hunt. If during dinner, she says to one of you, "Please, HELP yourself", or "Let me HELP you with that", avoid eye contact!

  8. I predict the Internet will be involved somehow.

  9. Well, isn't Ernie just a big ol' ball of sunshine? Mary better watch her lampshades, because one of them will definitely be on Ernie's head, before the evening is over!

  10. Ernie's a wife-beater. His face and Bonnie's seeming unease says it all.

  11. I guess the only store Bonnie hit at the mall was Frumpy McMatrony's.

  12. IF Ernie is a wife beater, I wonder how we'd be made aware of it. Maybe Moy would work it into the dinner table dialogue like she did for Helen.

    Ernie: "Please pass (slap) the (slap) potatoes, Bonnie."

  13. Chester? Chester the Dog?March 29, 2010 at 3:37 PM

    Bonnie? Bonnie Johnson? is getting her manners confused. She is supposed to give flowers to the hostess, not take them away form her.

  14. Judging by her outfit, Bonnie? Bonnie Johnson must've come straight to Mary's from her motel-cleaning job. I can't see her shoes, but I'm almost sure they're sensible.

  15. Seriously. Why don't these people cast reflections?

  16. Too late now, but the perfect person to invite to this dinner (after the Camerons and Jeff made up their excuses) would have been Wilbur Weston!

    I know... don't look at me like that! I'm just as tired of Wilbur as you all are. It's just that he shares Ernie Johnson's affliction of chest hair that comes and goes in mere moments. Also, Wilbur is used to himself and the furnishings, doors, etc., changing size unexpectedly. He's also eaten his share of yellow mush. I wonder why Mary didn't think of him?

  17. 3/30 - OK, my thoughts have changed. Ernie could still be a wife beater, but I'm thinking a couple of other things:

    1. Something really tragic occurred. Perhaps the loss of a child?

    2. They're criminals on the lam.

    So far I haven't been able to decide what it might be. Or maybe Moy will actually surprise us with something completely unexpected. Nah.

  18. I see Brown and Serve rolls, boiled potatoes, sticky rice, and an "impressive spread". What is it, peanut butter? Hummus?

  19. Ernie looks not that excited upon hearing the roast chicken!

  20. Neither one of the Johnsons look very happy about getting to know Mary better?!


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