Saturday, March 27, 2010

Mary Worth 713

Mary Worth has really been struggling to find a date for her dinner party with the Johnsons, who seem like such nice people. I mean, Bonnie? Bonnie Johnson? has so many nice clothes. But Jeff is busy and Toby is busy painting!

I'm so sorry that I missed posting on the one and only day we get to see Toby and her art. Remember, she specializes in miniatures, so she's really been branching out painting giant clowns. I think the placement of the painting in this image symbolizes the inner voice that always speaks in Toby's head, her inner-guide if you will: "Hi KIDZ! Yuk-yuk-yuk! HI-HO! How would YOU like a BALLOON ANIMAL!?? Jeepers Willikers! Let's give away our identity for fun! Yuk-yuk-yuk!"

Yesterday's Full Strip

Today's Full Strip


  1. So! Toby's a John Wayne Gacy fan!

    What's buried under YOUR re-tiled kitchen floor, Toby girl?

  2. If I were going on a blowout shopping trip wearing my craziest shirt, the last thing I'd want is to be invited to dinner by an old woman who barely knew me, and who is probably going to spend the evening telling me about how glad she is that she returned one stupid blouse and saved the world by recognizing the difference between her wants and her needs.

    I'd probably fall off the escalator and break a leg just to have an excuse not to go to dinner with her.

  3. While Toby paints, Mary goes on and on... something about "helping each other"... as if there was ANY chance that Bonnie?Bonnie will end up helping HER.

  4. Bonnie? will end up being in a stultifying marriage, which will be presented repeatedly in a variety of ways, week in and week out, iterations of the same dust-covered dialog and plot, over andoverand. See you in August, people!

  5. Nothing can compete with seeing Kurt's pregnant girlfriend, living in complete poverty. However, seeing that horrific clown painting comes close.

  6. I'm so excited. It's time there was a national forum to bring coulrophobia into the open, so that we who live with the condition don't have to suffer in silence.

  7. I want to believe better of Toby's talent. I keep trying to convince myself that the clown monstrosity is the result of Toby RELUCTANTLY accepting a commission from Charley. True, it's not naughty enough for his usually prurient tastes, but since his goal is to scare children, it should suffice.

  8. Can I get that clown painting on velvet?

  9. Vicki, you must be right. That is the only possible explanation for that horrid painting.
    Surely if Toby's painting skills were really that poor, somebody would have done an intervention by now.

  10. Why was Sunday's strip continuous shots of Mary on the phone, when the use of eight, count 'em, 8 panels begged for more shots of Toby and her attempts at art.

    If only she were on an episode of Designing Women, and people could get excited about Toby's art, like Julia's "purse art"!

  11. Mary managed to get into her condo and change her clothes, all the while talking on the phone to Toby. Or WAS she talking to Toby? I'm reminded of the conversations Norman Bates had with his mother, and am thinking that Mary is very much of two minds about having the Johnsons over. On the one hand, they are suspiciously low-key and reclusive, and on the other, the only way people can help each other is by opening up to one another. Who is going to need the help?

  12. Chester (on Match Game)March 28, 2010 at 9:22 PM

    Whwn Mary cooks a meal...well, head for the Maalox.

    I hope Bonnie Bonnie brings a doggie bag to "blank" into

  13. Chester (on Match Game)March 28, 2010 at 9:24 PM

    Toby is such a bad artist, even the clowns who sit for her, ask for "blank" in advance

  14. Maalox may not be enough. I'm just picturing the reclusive Johnsons sitting at Mary's little card table, having been served blood in wine glasses, while Mary talks to herself in the kitchen, then comes out muttering platitudes and carrying a big serving bowl of yellow mush. (The Coreys and the Camerons may be used to this, but the Johnsons are new.) Golly, this dinner date can't come soon enough for me!

  15. If I lived near Mary Worth, I too would be reclusive.

    After-all, she's already decided that her dinner guests need her help and they haven't even arrived!

  16. A-a-a-a-a-a-n-d we're back to non-reflective mirrors!

  17. imagine how big that clown was if that's the miniature!


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