Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Mary Worth 712

Oh, Bonnie, you with your two giant Marcy's bags filled to the brim, while Mary Worth has only one humble bag with a simple blouse to return - a bag so humble and shy that it is actually hiding. Bonnie, when will you overcome this compulsive shopping addiction? Will you ever give up the credit card and save your marriage? How much longer can this go on? I'm guessing three months.

What's in your Marcy's bag?

Today's Full Strip

Thanks, Chester, for this awesome photo of the Santa Royale Mall:


  1. Well, we know Bonnie Bonnie Johnson doesn't work for Her Majesty's Secret Service, or she'd be called Johnson Bonnie Johnson. So I guess this storyline won't be about exciting espionage adventures, and instead we'll find out that BBJ's shopping addiction is making Ernie very unhappy. Mary Mary Worth to the rescue!

    Marcy's elevators are a major safety hazard, I just noticed while looking at yesterday's strip. How many people have to fall over the side before steps are taken? (Pun intended.)

  2. Vicki at the food courtMarch 24, 2010 at 8:03 PM

    This lovely mall looks like it was designed by Mike Brady (from the Brady Bunch). No wonder Mary is so fond of it!

  3. Why am I reminded of the "Night Court" episode where John Larroquette's character tells the Eskimo who rescued him from his crashed plane that his name is, "Dan, Dan Fielding?"

  4. Why am I reminded of "Total Recall" and Arnold Schwarzenegger's character repeating, "two weeks"?

  5. That is the worst-looking blouse I've ever seen and that's really saying something when Mary wore that horrid pink palm tree thing for weeks.

  6. Emptiest. Store. Ever.

  7. I am hoping that maybe we can see another apparition of Mary's disembodied head in a store window.

  8. Thank you, Wanders, for linking us to the Marcy's catalogue online. I now believe that Mary is wearing a Roman Collar Dickey and returning, perhaps, the Mock Turtleneck.

    While one may want multiple faux shirts, one rarely needs them.

  9. Please, dear God, don't let Bonnie turn out to be Ernie in drag.

  10. Please, dear God, don't let Bonnie turn out to be Ernie in drag.


    That would be a bad thing how exactly?

  11. I'm gonna call this one early. From the way Bonnie jumped at Mary's dinner invitation, I'm guessing that she and Ernie have fallen on hard times, and are eking out a meager existence by Bonnie's shoplifting and reselling things on

  12. If Bonnie, Bonnie Johnson's pearl necklace bursts from the pressure from her large neck, Mary will have a new adventure at the E.R. Maybe Dr. Queenie can take care of her!

  13. Bonnie, Bonnie Johnson seemed less than enthused about how well they are doing. Maude's conjecture about their having fallen on hard times could be right. But I think it will be something Mary and Dr. Jeff will need to meddle in. (Surely Dr. Jeff will be at the dinner?)

  14. I applaud Mary for being so hospitable on such short notice, but don't you think she comes across a little desparate for company? I mean, she hasn't even planned out her menu! Oh, wait...there's still the salmon squares in the freezer from last summer. I think Bonnie Bonnie Johnson WISHES she could get out of this, but couldn't think up an excuse fast enough! We'll see.

  15. Chester (lurking in the plant dept)March 25, 2010 at 9:49 PM

    Bonnie, Bonnie Johnson must have a shopping problem.

    She shops wildly, then feels guilty and returns the junk the next day.

    The staff of Marcy's is on to her tricks and has posted a photo of her at every register, even in the plant department, which is a shame, because she blends so well into the merchandise in that area.

  16. Wait! We haven't met Ernie yet, have we? Maybe HE'S the star of the next big story? Bonnie could just be the lead-in, a red herring for the big fish yet to come!

  17. If any of you visit Santa Royale, you simply must check out this great mall and visit the many fine shops and restaurants that Mary finds so appealing. It's not hard to find-- it's on the corner of Norfolk & Way.

  18. 3/26 - I think Vicki was pretty right-on yesterday, only it sounds like MARY is the one regretting her hasty decision to invite BBJ and Ernie to dinner. "Toby, what have I done??"

    Good thing Mary made those 12 dozen salmon squares last year!

  19. Wanders will most definitely comment on the Toby/painting panel.

    Words escaped me when I saw that (3/26). I mean, who knew that our sweet Toby was a fan of clown art?
    I was really creeped out.

  20. Chester (clowning about)March 26, 2010 at 9:21 AM

    I don't understand Mary. She is right outside Charterstone. Why not save her cell minutes and go right up to Toby's condo and talk to her in person.

    Unless Mary dumm dumm...afraid of ...CLOWNS!!

  21. Eeek! I can't believe Toby paints scary clown pictures. And I can't believe Giella, and artist himself if we're to believe the credits on this very strip, thinks any artist paints in the manner Toby is, a yard away from the canvas.

  22. duckdg (artist and psychologist)March 26, 2010 at 12:03 PM

    Toby, the amateur artist, owns a stockpile of pre-stretched canvases. She favors large school supply bottles of Tempera paint over smaller tubes of watercolors or oil. She hangs a calendar on the wall of her studio, and positions herself asymmetrically on her painter's stool. She paints while answering the phone.

    What we are witnessing, I'm afraid, is a desperate attempt by an amateur artist to rival her husband's hectic academic schedule.

  23. In my "real" life, (i.e., when I'm not visiting Mary & friends in Santa Royale), I make my living as an artist working for a company in the entertainment industry. Years ago I read that Toby was an "accomplished miniatures artist" in her bio. All this time I have been eagerly waiting to see some of her "accomplished" work. Imagine my utter disappointment to see this garbage! Oh, my!!! And as duckdg noted, Toby's painting setup is AMATEUR HOUR! She indeed is using school-grade tempera paints and not a Kolinsky sable brush in sight!

    Poor Mary! She has to entertain Ernie and Bonnie Bonnie all by herself now. No sparkling conversation help from the highly educated Ian Cameron or the Doctors Corey. What to do!!!???

    Here's something fun for you, and I'm not bragging-- although I'm not famous, just an "anonymous" artist within this company, I'd wager many of you have seen my work in your travels! Of course you nor I would never know that. But it's a small world, and I bet we've "crossed paths" in that way. I think that's fun to think about...Love you all! :)

  24. Oooh, Vicki, a mystery!

    Hint 1: "Crossed paths"

  25. hmmm...I like a mystery! Something to do with Holmes on Homes perhaps? Comments section on FB, I'm guessing? LOVE that show! Maybe we should request that Mike Holmes & crew fix up Kurt's rundown apartment now that he (Kurt) is back home from Wilburrr and Dawn's. Then we could all revisit them for the reveal. On second

  26. Bonnie^2 and Ernie better be hurriedly stuffing an inflatable sheep behind their couch when Mary shows up early for their dinner date.

  27. Things to do today -
    1. Revise salmon squares recipe
    2. Iron salmon and black skirt
    3. Return salmon-colored blouse
    4. Invite strangers over for salmon
    5. Bask in glow of goodness

  28. Based on today's strip, I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that Bonnie and Ernie are HOARDERS! This will be discovered when they do not reciprocate Mary's dinner invite. Mary becomes curious, goes to their house (or do they live at Charterstone?), and peeps in the windows. This could be a long drawn out story line. Anyone who has watched the show on television knows all the counseling, support, setbacks, and mental breakdowns that occur in trying to cure this condition. Not to mention the cleaning crews involved and all the nasty things they discover. There are going to be SO many characters involved that it is going to make our heads spin -- possibly for the next full year. ARGH!

  29. Point taken Toots, but following that story line for 3months will be a little tough, especially given that I read Mary Worth to my kids each night (as my 3 year old says about the strip, "I think there's a major problem coming up").

    All I could think of when I saw the strip was the scene from Austin Powers---"She's a man baby"......"Austin! That's my Mother!"

  30. Now Mary claims not to know Bonnie and Ernie very well, when she practically assaulted her with overly familiar friendliness in the Nondescript Bargains area of Marcy's.

  31. @Robert-- Yeah, who invites people they barely know to their house for dinner on the spur of the moment!? I, too, thought they were two long lost friends about to reconnect. Obviously, though, the fact that Bonnie Bonnie has TWO full shopping bags is somehow going to be a big problem!

  32. Maybe Chester can answer this, but the Santa Royale Mart is the spitting (a nasty habit) image of Chris-Town Mall in north Phoenix. I went to it's Grand Opening when I was a weanling, and I've no idea how many hours I spent there. What a rush to see its doppelganger in Santa Royale!


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