Friday, October 15, 2010

Mary Worth 871

It's a good thing Jill Black is there to keep Adrian from making a huge mistake and looking like a giant albino Tiki pole on her wedding day.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Thanks for the laugh today, Wanders! I hadn't caught that! (re: secret message) That dress obviously exposes way more cleavage than Adrian is used to. What's she gonna do -- walk down the aisle holding her arm over her chest??

  2. The real Adrian looks all "Oh! I look so good!" and the reflection Adrian looks all "Yikes! This looks goofy." Meanwhile back on the sofa of judgement I hear, These boots were made for walking, and thats just what they'll do, and one of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you!

  3. Wanders, that was a GEM! I had to quickly send a message to my daughter to not miss today's panel!

    Giella must have been sleepy when he drew today's panel as everyone looks especially horrible. Look at the bridal coordinator in panel 1! Yikes!

  4. That was very thoughtful of Jill to match her purse with the couch. I really enjoy Jersey Shore flesh-colored accessories, myself.

  5. Adrian's veil looks like a white sheet. Meanwhile, Jill's sleeves have apparently turned her dress into a strait-jacket. Otherwise she'd be climbing out of the panel and off the strip.

  6. Love the "sofa of judgement." Meanwhile I'm impressed with how realistically that woman in the yellow suit is holding up her Mary Worth face mask.

  7. I thought Mary was trying to clap her hands and missed.

  8. At first, I thought the first panel of today's strip was the weird one, with the bridal salon owner's face melting off and Jill looking unnaturally aggressive, but second panel really is a gem. How did I miss Adrian looking like SUCH A GOOFBALL in the mirror?? Excellent!

  9. That mirror must show what you REALLY look like.

  10. So Mary and Jill are the closest friends that Adrian can find to help with her wedding plans? How sad.

    It was worth repeating.

  11. Can we put Mary in front of the mirror? Maybe we'll get to see the portrait she has in her attic, like Dorian Gray.

  12. pandagrandma@7.37a - I don't think Adrian is covering her cleavage, I think she doesn't have enough there to hold the dress up. She's going to have to hold in place throughout the entire wedding and reception unless she wants to be in some video-expose.

    And there is NO WAY Jill Black is going to like ANY of the dresses...

  13. Are Mary and Jill still waiting to be introduced to each other?

  14. Well, Jared, we know that Mary's been introduced to Jill's . . . reputation. I wonder how Adrian described Mary to Jill. Neither seem anxious to engage in conversation with the other.

    Giella probably doesn't know about the back clips that bridal salons use to keep the dresses from slipping, but given the way everything else in the salon is slipping south today, I appreciate Adrian holding her dress up.

  15. Is Adrian's "veil" (it looks more like a bath towel you put over your hair after washing it) at all related to Dinner Napkin? I think I see a resemblance.

  16. Jill better spit out the most insulting comment about Adrian's dress, or I'll be really disappointed. And maybe she can throw in some Tim Gunn-style words of advice to that pathetic salon employee.

  17. "It makes you look fat."

  18. "Your head looks like it's wearing an apron."

  19. "White, Adrian? Really?"

  20. In an extraordinary follow-up to the pink BC awareness strips on Sunday, Adrian has decided to combine shopping for a wedding gown with her monthly self-exam. She sets a fine example to us all.

  21. These are the funniest comments ever. I especially liked Punky's comment about the woman with the Mary Worth mask. That is totally what it looks like! I also liked the three insults above. xD

  22. That poor, dear saleslady! At first I thought she was a rather attractive gal. Now she's suddenly withered like an old prune, trying to make herself as small as possible. I suspect Jill and her "verdicts" have caused many a scene in her store! She's scared to death, poor thing.


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