Sunday, July 21, 2013

Mary Worth 1,635

Well, I come back from a week of camping in hot and muggy Virginia (heat index: 105), only to find Mary Worth wandering into the Arizona desert. It may be in the 90's there, but its a dry heat. I hope she's got another bottle of "Agua" with her.

It's nice to be back. I can't tell you how nice it is to be back. It's going to take a few weeks to recover from this alleged "vacation." I look forward to catching up on everyone's comments.


  1. Yeah, whatever, Mary. I'm with June, anxiously watching those two spiky things in the corner that just sprouted eyes.

    Is it just me, or does this panel look like something from the old "Lost in Space" TV set?

  2. Welcome back, Wanders! It sounds like you're very glad to be home again.

    Wait until the Pax Wellness staff discovers that Mary has appointed herself an unofficial counselor. Maybe she'll be tossed out.

  3. I can't keep silent anymore: every time I see "restorative" I think of a Prohibition era alcohol-laced patent medicine sold by Mr. Haney-like salesmen to women with "nervous" conditions. Honestly, has anyone ever heard the word "restorative" used in normal 21st century conversation? Thank you for the chance to vent, we now return to your normally scheduled program.

  4. There's something restorative about camping in hot and muggy Virginia with a heat index in the triple digits.

  5. I didn't think it possible to outdo some of the others but this is probably the slowest paced, most boring storyline EVER in the history of human language...

  6. As a resident of hot and muggy Virginia, I can't imagine why anyone would camp here in July! Glad you made it out alive!

  7. Does anybody even care anymore?

  8. Wasn't "The Beauty of Nature" the theme of the cake decorating contest?

  9. Yes, Sandi Ego, but that was the beauty of PINK nature. This is the beauty of orange nature.

  10. As we say in muggy old PA, it's not the heat, it's the stupidity.

  11. Monday

    "It seems like only yesterday"??!! Didn't dear old Jack die during the stock market crash in 1929?

    Is this the climax of Mary's trip to Tucson - she takes one yoga class, eats lunch, and dispenses platitudes to a bereaved widow, who instantly feels better? If so, this is the ho-humiest of ho-hum.

    Eesh, all that orange is hurting my eyes.

  12. @KitKat - This does look like it could be the wrap up of Mary's involvement (intruding) in June's affairs. Time to move on to her next victim?

  13. Hey JustSaying, if you think this is the slowest most boring storyline ever, I call your attention to the current Apartment 3-G, to which the old Seinfeld tag might well apply: "It's a strip about nothing"! At least there is some semblance of linear, sequential, progress in Mary Worth, glacierish as it may be. BTW, did the rest of y'all know that she was once married to Jack Worth?

  14. Chin Napkin GroupieJuly 22, 2013 at 11:10 AM

    I believe we all know the reason Jack checked out early.

  15. Yes, dear Jack jumped off the Flatiron building in October of '29. Said he was going out for a pack of cigs, and that was it. Luckily his insurance was paid up, and Mary was able to stay on in her co-op apartment on East 72nd street.

  16. Welcome back, Wanders! I wonder if Mary & June will encounter another woman at the Wellness Center, who is married to a great guy, but doesn't appreciate her husband? Since the whole ''Goofus & Gallant'' thing seems to be a recurring theme in the Worthyverse, I'm picturing an acid-tongued brunette/blue haired gal in purple or orange, who bitterly complains about how her husband is boring, annoying, or useless. We need someone like that, to spice up this boring desert story.

  17. Be optimistic yet cautious, Mr. Wanders. The restorative powers of healing take time and move at their own pace and color.

  18. As the theme from 'The Courtship of Eddie's Father' plays in the background ("hey people let me tell you 'bout my best friend..."), a bandito jumps out from behind a cacti:

    "Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges. I don't have to show you any stinking badges."


Don't be shy! I'd love to hear what you have to say about Mary Worth. Just keep it clean, that's all I ask. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY blog. I don't want to moderate comments, but I will if I have to.