Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Mary Worth 2603

Today's strip already has an old ruin overlooking the Caribbean.


  1. Another crummy commercial?

    -- Scottie McW.

  2. Today's Boldface Haiku is titled "Hasn't KM More Than Justified Her Tax Deduction By Now?"

    'Gardens, trails, San Miguel shopping,
    Tulum, Mayan cliffs, ruins, Caribbean'...

    @Scottie McW.--Your comment is a better title for my haiku. A Ralphie classic!

  3. Somebody is going to opt for the cliff climbing. Katie better check her gear is triple-E is around.

  4. Wanders, that same cheap shot occurred to me immediately.

    If Mary didn't have Toby to update her on the Fun Onshore Activities, would she stay in the cabin and fold the towels and linens?

    "San Miquel Shopping" - by Derek for cigarettes and schlocky souvenirs.

  5. I wouldn't worry too much about that cheap shot, Wanders.
    Mary to Wanders: "Go ahead and laugh, Blog Boy. I'm going to outlast all of you!"

  6. This plot reminds me of a 90 yard smashmouth football drive: run, run, run, run, run, run, fumble...miraculously recovered, run, run, run, run, run, and then when you least expect it...BAM! A pass to bring it to completion, .... and then we're back again at the Charterstone pool party awaiting the next kickoff, hoping the next series is a little more exciting.

  7. So much bolding lately! Nance is really being overworked!

  8. Nice to wake up to boldface haiku, Blog Boy, and the football analogy.
    There will be no lines for the ship's tenders today since half the passengers are still in the piano lounge crying "Esme!"

  9. Blah blah blah. Let's get back to the action in the piano lounge. Esme! Esme! Esme!

  10. Wanders: Tee hee! I thought the very same thing myself.

  11. Just a thought: if 3E is so good and talented, why isn't she on Broadway or touring with Adele or in a remake of a famous movie musical?

  12. Hmm, I know what I want to do... stay in our cabin and fold towels.

    If Moy wants to salvage this plot, Entertainer Esme needs to don a Lara Croat outfit and finagle a way to trap Katie inside a Mayan ruin, Indiana Jones style with lots of spike-walled puzzle chambers and rolling boulders and monkey brain buffets. And Derek needs to barely and agonizingly fail to save her from a careening mine cart, his lung capacity critically undermined by that last fateful Marlboro..


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