Thursday, September 21, 2017

Mary Worth 2699

"Be a dear, Jared, and let Sue know I'm quitting since she's the one who contracted with my temp agency. She'll want to file a complaint about my unreliable performance, and my dating her boss and stuff."


  1. Dawn, who is going to sign your time sheet? Jared?

  2. Since June spent so much time fleshing out Jared's character (driver of a beater car, Star Wars collector of action figures, teller of unpleasant truths, bagel eater..) I can't imagine him disappearing from Dawn's life so quickly.

  3. @LouiseF - Well, even if we never do see Jared again, he made out better than Zak. At least Jared got his own label from Wanders despite not having a last name.

  4. Gene Pitney's "It Hurts to be in Love" immediately leapt into my mind. Hit it, guys!

  5. I was thinking more "Fools Rush In (where angels dare not tread)"


  6. Jared, this is your big chance. She's on the rebound. Vulnerable, but too dimwitted to be untrusting. And when she sees your Star Wars doll collection, she'll completely trust you because it'll be obvious that you're not after sex. Go for it.

    But maybe when you take her out you should take the bus instead of your car. It will be less embarrassing.

    -- Scottie McW.

  7. There is a "Dawn Weston Dating Bingo Card" and she may have just finally won the free dinner at Diner.

    She's already gotten:

    Married Doctor Guy (Dr. Ned Fletcher)
    Single Doctor Guy (Dr. Drew Corey)
    Widowed Guy (Prof. Harlan Jones)
    One-Armed Guy (Jim)
    Guy Who's Built Like Michelangelo's David (Dave)
    "Broke - But At Least I Don't Live With My Parents " Guy (Jared)

    As she said in May 2012: Life is Brutal.

  8. Anonymous at 10:51 AM: when was the last time you looked at the index for Zak? ;)

  9. I'm glad this storyline is winding down. I never really considered myself a fan of Dawn Weston, until I realized how much I missed the Dawn who slapped the crap out of Drew Cory right in front of Vera.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. @Anonymous -- What's really sad is that Dawn Weston still has a better dating record than I do. :-/ Life IS brutal.

  12. I agree, Alice! The old Dawn wouldn't have put up with one minute of Ned's foolishness!


  13. There's a lot to be said for Jared. He may collect Star Wars action figures, but he isn't one of those "mint-in-box" fanatics. Maybe the old beater car is because he's working his way through college to become an RN. He likes cats. And moreover, he's kind and caring. Dawn could do a lot worse...and probably will.

  14. Today's (tardy) Boldface Haiku is titled "I Hear They're Hiring At Bagle Patio, And Since It's Not French, You'll Never Have To Worry About Seeing Dr. Fletcher There, So...There's Your Silver Lining!"

    Why? Your!
    No, hated. Hurt!

  15. "Dawn could do a lot worse...and probably will."

    @fauxprof that cracked me up! How right you are.

  16. Hey Wanders - I did actually look for Zak today in the index but somehow, I missed his name! Ahhhh.... thank you, thank you! I will sleep so much better tonight knowing that he's there! You're the best!

  17. Friday:

    --NOW Jared tells Dawn that Dr. Ned has a history of being a playa?!
    --Hit tip to JB on the Mini-Cooper. It's not the Uncle Joe drawn car that Dr. Jeff apparently bought from Ace and Gary.


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