Friday, September 29, 2017

Mary Worth 2705

Careful, Mary! You used that same cliché six years ago, and this was the response you got!

It was fun for a few minutes to go back and relive the classic Bobby Black and Gina (whose mother had died recently, but surprisingly was not shot) story. At least a few panels of it. I couldn't handle much more than that.


  1. Thanks, Wanders, for the trip down Mary-Memory Lane. I forgot about Gina and her ponytail. It was a more innocent time when Mary looked older and the walls were full of tilted paintings. June is a wonderful artist, but I miss Chin Napkin. Will she ever return? (Hey, what is Chin Napkin's gender?)

  2. Mary is clearly talking about the muffin (making the right choice, dodging a bullet). Put it down now Dawn!

    Speaking of 'friends', how's Dr. Jeff? I wonder if he knows Dr. Ned....and his wife.


  3. I certainly hope we haven't seen the last of Medical Assistant Jared. They wouldn't go to all the trouble of giving us a peek at Jared's doll collection, TV dinner diet, and taped-up beater, and then just drop him, would they?

    Maybe he'll come trick-or-treating at Dawn's apartment dressed up like Harry Potter.

    -- Scottie McW.

  4. @Peggy Olson, I alway thought Chin Napkin was a boy, and I have absolutely nothing to base that on. Dawn seems reluctant to bite into that carrot muffin, and I can't blame her. It needs cream cheese frosting, but that's probably too avant-garde for Mary.

  5. Today's Boldface Haiku is titled "The Talking Muffin Has Much Wisdom (And Brevity)".

    Right not.
    Feeling, dodged.
    Maybe. Time.

  6. Thanks Wanders for the flashback. I have forgotten what a ding a ling waitress Gina was.

  7. "That carrot muffin will go thru you like a bullet"

  8. Your secret messages have been awesome, Wanders, and this one is no exception. Thanks for the lol ;)

  9. How many carrot muffins is Dawn supposed to eat before throwing the rest away? I wonder what the world record is for carrot muffin eating.

  10. It is my understanding that, keeping with the times, Chin Napkin is gender neutral.

  11. Where else but in the Worthiverse would there be a discussion regarding the gender of table linens?

  12. I too loved the flashback to the old Gina the waitress story. Mainly because of Wanders' comment back then regarding the possibility that Gina's pet turtle (turtles not being known for their ability to dodge bullets) had been killed by a stray bullet. I have nothing against turtles - actually I've stopped to escort a few snapping turles across a busy road - but it reminded me of a story told by my mother years ago. She was riding in a car driven by her friend who made no effort to avoid a big turtle crossing the road and ran right over it. My mother was horrified and asked her hadn't she seen it? The friend replied that she'd thought it would get out of the way. ???

  13. The more important question on Chin Napkin is 'paper or plastic' (or cloth).

    And 'ha' to Chester @ 9:27.

  14. I'm checking in really late today, so maybe no one will read this, BUT Wanders and all of you rocked the comments today! Hahahahahahahaha,,,,,,,,,,etc.!!!!!

    It's always bothered me that Karen Moy never gave any details regarding Mary bullet dodging. It seemed to have something to do with cheating death by having a salad (instead of Mary's daily Triple Bacon Cheeseburger with extra grease?).

  15. Saturday: don't forget the two pinches of meddling!

    Nice transition stop today; should have a generic get together Sunday closing with the team of the new meddle!

  16. Other than carrots, what "mostly fresh" ingredients are in those muffins? "I grow my own wheat, Dawn, and grind it myself. Finding fresh baking powder is not easy (Food Team doesn't stock it), but I found a secret supplier. And, of course, Mr. Alora grows and harvests sugar cane out behind Charterstone."

  17. I think we all know the secret ingredient in those muffins. It's legal in California now, after all.

  18. My wife (most excellent cook) says the secret ingredient is using apple sauce instead of cooking oil. "It's a well known trick to make muffins lighter". Selah.

  19. Since Mary is so proud of the muffins being low sugar, I guess that explains the lack of cream cheese frosting. Sigh.


  20. SUNDAY:

    Memories? MEMORIES???!!!

    Did I read that correctly? This halfwit is mooning over the memories of a less-than-week-long, one-kiss flirtation with a total sleazebag who lied to her in an attempt to get her in the sack??? This is what passes for fond memories???

    Great googly moogly.

    -- Scottie McW.

  21. @fauxprof--If you frost muffins, doesn't that make them cupcakes? Then they're not Nutritiously Comforting Good Healthfood.


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