Thursday, September 28, 2017

4072 throW yraM

Okay, you know that I think Mary Worth is an amazing comic strip. I loved Joe Giella, but it's days like this when Karen Moy is able to craft human sounding dialog because she knows that June will capture all the unspoken emotion of the moment, that I just want to put snarking aside and say, "Well done."

Of course, if this scene goes on too long, I may feel a little bit ill, so bring on the pool party!


  1. "Did he put his arm around your 'friend' like this dear?"

    (Oh Mary, you knew all along, didn't you?!)

  2. In other news, I flipped on NPR on my way to work this morning. My ears perked up as they called out an upcoming story on 'meddling' as clearly a story was ahead on Mary Worth.

    I was sadly disappointed to find out later that it was just on Russian interference in u.s. elections. Or as we say around here, "just"....

  3. "Oh Mary, my oven's a mess. Would you mind if I stuck my head in yours?"

    Sheesh, Dawn, get a grip. I'd hate so see how she'd react to the Bagle shop closing.

    -- Scottie McW.

  4. Panel 2 is amazing. Mary actually hugs Dawn, offering real comfort instead of smug cliches. June does a great job here. She shows two people hugging without adding a sixth finger or disjointed elbow.

    Have you also noticed that June doesn't clutter the background of every panel? I sometimes miss the skewed paintings and lopsided door frames. And of course, we haven't seen Kelk boxes on the kitchen shelves in a very long time.

  5. Today's Boldface Haiku is titled "I Hope Mary Suggests That Super-Mature Dawn Take Over Dear Wendy, Since Her Adulting Is Obv's Complete".

    Broke up! True.
    Hard choice.

  6. IMHO the scene has already gone on too long, and it wouldn't have been a hard choice if Dawn weren't an IDIOT.

  7. Nice post, Wanders. I have to admit, I like June's artwork on Dawn's mopey, disheveled look this week. Rings true. What I don't buy is that Dawn or anyone else loves Mary's carrot muffins.

  8. P.S. What's with the title of today's post? Through the looking glass?

  9. Now that Dawn and Mary have hugged it out, perhaps Dawn could take a shower, get dressed in something other than unlaundered sweats, and visit Best Cuts? Then she can resume her decades-long college experience. I can only surmise that University runs on some system completely unlike semesters or quarters and she can just go back to whatever classes are being held at any given moment. Time is only a concept, after all.

  10. Now that Dawn's 'friend' has gotten this off her chest she can move on to a rebound clergy member. That would be new ground for her inappropriate relationships.

    We're about due for either a Dr. Jeff re-appearance in the plot-cycle or a new unsuspecting tennant.

  11. "My 'friend' broke up with her boyfriend, and I'm falling apart over it, because I am just that sympathetic."

  12. If Dawn is this distraught after only a few dinners with a lying adulterer, I suppose she'd jump off a bridge if a real relationship with a good man foundered.

    This plot has to end on Sunday, doesn't it? Doesn't it?????

  13. ROFL and I never ROFL


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