Friday, May 22, 2020

Mary Worth 3373

Mary and Dawn have an understanding. And soon, Jeff and Jared will have an understanding, too.


  1. Today's Boldface Haiku is titled

    "This Is The Searing, White-Hot Heat Of Adult Romance".

    Respect. Difficult.
    Alike. Medical field.
    Nerdy, endearing.
    Love's, charm.

  2. Mary respects Dr. Jeff. That's why she keeps a respectful distance.


  3. "He helps people in varied and difficult situations."

    "As do I, Dawn. Not only am I Charterstone's chief psychologist and do-gooder, I am also a vital cog at Whateverview Hospital through my selfless and heroic volunteer work."

    -- Scottie McW.

    P.S. Hey, Jared, welcome to the Jeff zone.

  4. Oh brother. Is this KM's ham handed attempt to give a shout out to medical professionals for what they're doing at this time?

    I like that Dawn finds Jared "a bit nerdy", but she's cool with it. Also I like Mary saying "When love's involved, quirks are viewed as a charm." Like Dr. Jeff running off sneezing at the sight of a cat.

  5. Next week: a double-date with Dawn/Jared and Mary/Jeff at the Bum Boat discussing towel folding and the flora of Endor.


  6. As I recall, Mary told Estelle that Wilbur's quirks were endearing. That's just before he got hammered and made a fool of himself at that new Thai place on Elm.

    -- S. McW.

  7. Today’s dialogue was composed by Affordably Awkward AI, your one-stop shop for bargain-basement machine-generated text. When real human writers are too expensive/and or unavailable (or wouldn’t be caught dead writing for your comic strip), call AAAI. We work cheap!

  8. I'm afraid I stopped looking at the strip after Monday when I saw this was going to be recap-and-muffins week. Now I am catching up on the intervening four days of breathtaking psychodrama. It strikes me again that Mary is receding from active meddling these days into passive-aggressive, almost snarkily non-committal commentary.

    "I think you made the right choice" is what you say when you actually approve of your young neighbour's boneheaded romantic decisions.
    "I'm glad you're happy with your decision" is what you say when you know it's probably going to end badly, and you don't want to be negative but you also want to avoid assuming any blame for encouraging her in her delusions.

    "Endearing" and "quirky" are now my go-to phrases for damning with faint praise. ("How did you find the bouillabaisse in New York?" "Quirky. Endearing, even.")

  9. "Yes, Jared is the best tray stacker they have at the hospital. His method for clearing tables has won him awards, and his quick reflexes have saved many a hospital diner who slipped on the wet floor with their tray full of food."

  10. "I respect my boyfriend. Whom I chose. Even though the cheating on my other boyfriend was unplanned. Yes, I respect him. Because he does his job." Dawn, you need to do a Ted Talk on how to set the relationship bar as low as possible.



    I know how you feel, Dawn. I got up this morning and went to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. And I felt right at home.

    -- Scottie McW.

  12. Wow! What are the chances of finding TWO people who both respect people who work in the medical field! And they both live at Charterstone?!! The odds have to be a zillion to one, right?


  13. I have been reading Mary Worth for years . Always wondered why after all this time she never has married Jeff . I enjoy the column . It is like a soap opera but in the comics. I don't watch soap operas on TV either .

  14. When Dawn landed at Santa Royale International Airport and Vinyl Siding Company she WAS home, so why didn’t she feel like she was home until she saw Jared?

    Dawn is the great-granddaughter Mary never had, or at least she acknowledged, since she appears to have forgotten she had offspring in the old, old days.


Don't be shy! I'd love to hear what you have to say about Mary Worth. Just keep it clean, that's all I ask. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY blog. I don't want to moderate comments, but I will if I have to.