Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Mary Worth 3684

"Thanks! The security video of you slugging me in the head was also fab!"


  1. “So fab” ??? Who says that anymore? Has slang from the 1960’s gone retro? Come to think of it, both Ashlee and Shauna seem like revenants from a long past soap upera.

  2. I figure Drew never took Shauna to this place, It’s not so swanky, though - the wine glasses are just like Mary’s.

    “But I need MORE HELP getting my modeling career off the ground! For starters, I need to buy some other earrings! How’s 10K for starters, Drewie?”

  3. Wanders, fauxprof and KitKat, rest assured that your comments were way more fab than KM’s old news trash talkin. I’m disappointed in Drew’s choice or restaurant, I really had my heart set on The Lying Snail (am I really remembering that right)?

    With my most pompous regards,
    Ian Cameron, PhD

  4. BTW, I just noticed June drew a giant question mark to the right of the potted plant, as if in silent stunned protest against the increasing ridiculousness of the dialogue. We hear you June, just hang on for a few more story arcs and we’ll send Max and Greta to your rescue!


  5. "Like what?

    Oh boy, here it comes!

    -- Scottie McW.

  6. HelenClark-
    Looks like you called it yesterday. I am beginning to wonder if you are channeling KM?

  7. I wonder if Drew had to at least fill out an incident report or something at the clinic. It doesn't seem like it, and yesterday I noticed that the purple worker had gotten out from hiding behind her desk. Business as usual.

  8. Thunderheels – Oh no! Please say it isn’t so!

    Well, I think we can all see where this is going. Now it remains to be seen if Drew is stupid enough to hand over the cash.

    Ashlee might have been wiser to wait at least a few days before hitting Drew up for a “loan.” (If only she hadn’t given the Rolex back to Drew, she might have had better timing… heh heh.)

    Anyway, since it’s only been a few hours since Shauna warned Drew about Ashlee being a con artist, I predict we will be seeing “Thought Balloon Shauna” in the next day or two.


  9. Sacre Bleu! In honor of Bastille Day (which is tomorrow, July 14), I have to lodge a strong objection to the name of this restaurant. "Heart's Desire" in French is "LE DÉSIR DU COEUR", not "Mon Coeur Desire". Yikes! I can imagine Maurice Chevalier spinning in his grave.

  10. LouiseF, I wonder if KM told June what to call the restaurant, or if she left it up to June. At any rate, Drew is such a doofus, he wouldn’t recognize a grammatically incorrect restaurant name in English, let alone French.

  11. "I can't wait for you to meet my father! He said I would need $10,000. His name is Arther!

  12. @HelenClark

    Is the committee still in session?

  13. KitKat, I should have lower expectations for the names of establishments in the Worthiverse. The favorite swanky(ish) seafood restaurant is called the Bum Boat.

  14. @MissScarlet

    The committee never sleeps.


  15. Why is this still happening? Why is Drew such an idiot?

  16. Where is Nance and her BFH? Haven't seen one in a while. I hope she is ok.

  17. Fauxprof: I did not like your snarky comment to "Fab" I thought the reference was groovy, out of sight, far out, and I could really dig it. It was the upmost.
    By the way, what is Fab ? A 1970's phrase?


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