Monday, June 8, 2009

Mary Worth 499

Didn't I say on June 2 that the only thing we were missing was a good Charterstone Pool Party? Well, thank you Karen Moy for inviting us! Everybody's here and not a swimsuit in sight: Ian and Toby, Mary, Wilbur, and look, there's Adrian going on about her new lawman. It looks like the Styrofoam cups and straws are a huge hit this year. Now, where are those famous pretzel sticks?

I've added the song "Delilah" to the Charterstone Jukebox. Enjoy.

Today's Full Strip


  1. That Ian Cameron, again proving to be the fashion plate!! He must be struttin' like a peacock with that smart sport coat/slacks combo he is a-wearin'. Everyone including Toby, Ian, and the strip inkers should review color wheel basics before letting Ian out the door again.

  2. Pool party! Be sure not to bring your swimsuit!

    Ian's look was simply fierce. Looks like he must have been an heir to Liberace's wardrobe. Yikes!

  3. it's no wonder they aren't wearing swimsuits- that pool is the size of a bathtub.

  4. Is Mary in a pinafore?

  5. Ah ha! Is that Adrian dishing at the pool party about her hot date with Scott? Watch Scott & Adrian's romance bloom:

  6. Wilbur: The video was perfection! More to come, I hope?

  7. A clique-ish group, that bunch! The poor guy in tan pants has no one to talk to! He is trying hard to feign interest in the "Scotland conversation" so as not to appear stupid.

    The girl in pink (panel two) has learned that wearing short dresses to the pool party will get a boy's attention! She has NO problem getting chatted up by the [male] guests.

    And where's Dr. Jeff? Other than thru Mary and Jeff, Adrian has NO connection to Charterstone folks whatsoever. Unless she's now parking her "car home" in their parking lot? That's a possibility, I guess.

  8. I bet Toby and Ian are expecting to be greeted at the airport by Sean Finnery to act as their guide to Scotland, just as he did in that infamous DVD.

    I like how Toby and Mary are enjoying their gossiping about Delilah, although I'm sure they'll be couching it in concerned looks instead of gleeful schadenfreude at the breakup of a marriage.

  9. Speaking of marriage break-ups... The athletic guy in tan riding pants seems interested in Toby. Wouldn't that be fun? Horses, a love triangle, remorse, pardon, and a trip to the airport, all before Delilah arrives next week.

    DivingCliff, I think you're on to something that would explain the lack of swimsuits here; that's not a real pool! It's got to be a sunken bath or small fountain. Pools in California require 4-sided isolation fencing, and clearly, there are no fences surrounding Charterstone's "pool" party.

  10. Fact: No Charterstone pool party is complete without huge tumblers of coconut milk.

    Fact: Scotland is now on high tiling alert.

  11. That frisky minx Toby will soon startle the guests with the 'accidental' revelation of .. her ankle!

  12. Adrian's face will soon change as her conversation partner (off-frame) is about to ask her:

    "Well, any news on THE FIFTY GRAND!!!???"


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