Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Mary Worth 500

Since we are forced to simply take Toby's word for it that Delilah and Lawrence are the perfect couple, I can't help but wonder what makes them so perfect. It can't just be that they were friends before they got married. Perhaps they both like seafood, or they enjoy watching travel videos together. Maybe they like to ride horses, or call each other endearing nicknames like "Queeny" or "Conny." Perhaps they like listening to popular singing duos or upping each others' antibiotic regimens.

But maybe there doesn't really need to be a reason. Perhaps the fact that Mary and Toby say they are the perfect couple should be all the motivation I need to really care this way about saving their marriage.

Today's Full Strip


  1. I'm SO glad two rocks (panel one) are drawn under the words "they're...having problems", Otherwise, I wouldn't know things were 'rocky' between Delilah and Lawrence! And don't you love how Mary and Toby have turned their white plastic chairs away from the pool party, so as to be discreet with their gossip?

  2. That magic bubbles dress that Miss Toby is wearing--the bubbles seem to move a bit from panel to panel. Go back to yesterday and look at the point in the V neckline and you will see the bubbles are in different places near that point. Today, they are a bit different still. What is going on? Does Miss Toby have several bubble dresses with pattern shift that she changes out from day to day, or does she have only one dress on which the bubbles are in motion?

    Vicki, I realize you have already weighed in today, but could you or someone on your team (CTD) do a bit of detective work and help us solve the Great Bubble Shift Mystery? Thanks.

  3. It's unfortunate that the problem between Delilah and Lawrence isn't going to turn out to be some juicy secret, when it's already obvious Delilah's going to say, "He asks me questions that I don't know the answers to! Who can live with that?"

  4. I love the white plastic chairs, Vicki, sturdy, lightweight ande perfect for petty gossiping!

    Toby's dress is NOT made of bubble printed fabric, it's made of bubble WRAP!

  5. I dunno...Styrofoam cups, and cheap plastic chairs; gossip that's not very juicy. No pretzels. The Charterstone pool parties aren't what they used to be. *sigh* Management is cutting costs I suppose.

    Toby herself has noticed and is disturbed that something's not quite right with the bubble dress. She has vowed to cut back on her margarita drinking, plus she thinks she has also seen some very large squirrels running about! Of course, Ian hasn't seen them as he has been very busy at the university. And he just LOVES that groovy bubble wrap dress, and hopes she packs it for their trip to Scotland.

  6. Shameless gossip? Really Mary, I'm beginning to suspect that your interest in the misfortune of others isn't AT ALL altruistic!

  7. Delilahs patio furniture is much nicer than those cheap plastic chairs, maybe thats why Mary really wants her to visit. We'll see that cruddy plastic furniture by the Charterstone dumpster in less than a week!

  8. Now HOLD ON there with all of this talk of dumpsters and furniture, dividing the Jonis family assets already. This marriage will be saved.

    Haven't you noticed that Wanders has labeled the two as an inseparable pair? One more mention of the couple as "perfect", and he'd have reason to give them a portmanteau couple name, like ...DELILAW


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