Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Mary Worth 501

There must be an awful lot of grass and mud in that pool. Which would explain why no one swims at these parties. And where's the required safety fence? And what are they all drinking? It seems no one can keep away from the Styrofoam cups and straws this year. But more importantly, has Adrian changed her outfit just to look more like Mary Worth? Not surprising. She is a role model.

Today's Full Strip


  1. "Ride the waves"? Please Toby,stop it. You're making Mary talk like that too.

    Well, no wonder with all the grain alcohol flowing so freely at the pool party! That stuff should be eating thru the styrofoam cups.

  2. But what, pray tell me, is a "temporary bobble"?

    It gets me thinking about the bubble wrap dress again. I dread to think what may happen if she should accidentally wander into a room full of highly stressed executives.

    And Adrian! Anyone would think her rum punch was spiked! Next thing you know she'll be in the pool/foot bath sans her Mary Worth-like attire. And what a to do there will be then.

    I am fraught, I tell you, positively fraught.

  3. Mary appears fraught today, as well! Despite her wishful thinking, in her heart of hearts she's afraid this marriage is more likely a "sea of bobbles with patches of calm"! She's going to have to research her "Platitudes-for-Perfect Couples" books on the high shelf! Her reputation is riding on this one, and she is fraught, alright.

    Adrianne just looks obnoxious! People keep whispering "who IS that? Who invited HER? She thinks she's real popular, though.

  4. Mary is NONE TOO PLEASED with Toby's "ride the waves" metaphor for married life.

    Mary hopes that Delilah and Lawrence, having once been the perfect couple, will once again enjoy glassy seas of calm, smooth and monotonous, like the surface of a vacant swimming pool.

    I'm not so sure that she is fraught. She looks absent. I think Toby lost her with the word "compromise" (how could Mary relate to that?) just as Adrian passed by, causing a distracted Mary to absentmindedly utter the word "bobble".

  5. ... and "temporary"

  6. Someone put a leash on Adrian! I guess Officer Redford had to work today.

  7. All the poolside references are making today's strip more than a little "water-logged." I hope Ian, Adrian, etc. don't chime in with advice on the "rough seas" of relationships.

  8. doesn't Toby look like she's retaining a bit of water in this strip? I don't remember her having that....moon like of a face.

  9. You know what this party needs, don't you?

    People wearing more layers of clothing.

  10. All I'm sayin' is that the pool water is mysteriously turbulent for nobody to be in it.... Heck, there must be a monsoon alert for the water to be that chopppy.


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