Thursday, June 11, 2009

Mary Worth 502

I'm really uncomfortable with a university professor dating a teen prodigy, no matter what his subject is, be it philosophy or pedagogy. And no matter what she might be so prodigious at, be it violin or floor tiling. Or where he teaches, be it Harvard or Local U. Hmmmm, this Lawrence and Delilah couple sure don't remind me of another couple that had their ups and downs last year shortly after Jeff and Mary had their ups and downs.

I'm going to go tuck in my shirt.


  1. Are fast friends anything like fast food?

  2. Even kids don't wear swimsuits at the Charterstone Pool Party.

    I nominate "Only Sixteen" by Sam Cooke for the Charterstone Jukebox.

  3. Hey... how did that pesky kid get into the party? "Scram, kid. Adults only".

  4. This pool party is awesome, look at the 5 gallon bottle of catsup!

    Yea, get that kid outta here, Tuffenuf, or...maybe he is the next CHILD prodigy to hail from Charterstone, looking for a much older spouse.

  5. Given Mary's recent expression of her own pre-determinism, and with Lawrence being a philosophy professor and all, could we soon be exploring the doctrine of fatalism in Mary Worth? Or is Delilah only a prodigy, and philosophy a study, in the same way Adrian is a doctor?

    And what smallish, pink, round, finger food is piled into a bowl and served with catsup?

  6. That spread on the picnic tables looks terribly appetizing. I hope there are enough round, pink things to go around!

  7. when you say "ups and downs" I assume you mean "bobbles"

  8. Oh gosh, it's not just the ketchup--the bowl of little red potatoes has finally come out!! Who's hungry!! Remember to wait a half hour after eating before pretending like you're gonna swim.

  9. Are we sure that ketchup isn't a bottle of blood-red wine--the kind that Mary drinks?

  10. Chester (suddenly not hungry)June 11, 2009 at 3:02 PM

    "And what smallish, pink, round, finger food is piled into a bowl and served with catsup?"

    The answer is...Mary's special...flattened balls of raw ground seafood scampi! Grab a plate and get in line!

  11. duckduck -- Maybe that bowl of smallish, pink, round, finger food that is piled into a bowl and served with catsup is actually smallish, pink, round....FINGERS!!

    We always thought Mary loved eating human flesh!

  12. Every male there is smiling and glancing over to his left. Even the little boy is making haste towards WHATEVER is just beyond the panel. And where is Adrian, hmmmm? Is she possibly making her third outfit change (perhaps into a swimsuit this time?) right out there in full view?

  13. Vicki... Aagh, My Eyes! As if today's discussion of pink, round food hadn't already ruined our appetite for dinner, you go and make us imagine THAT?

  14. duckduckgoose--LoL, of course, our silly Adrian wouldn't DELIBERATELY put on a show; -- but her car doesn't have curtains ya' know! Maybe she just left the party to feed the parking meter. There--now that's a better mental image, yes? ;)

  15. "They have too much going for them..."

    What, you mean genetic material? These two brilliant people must procreate, to improve the purity of the gene pool?

    Maybe young Delilah (foreshadowing, anyone? Lawrence in line for a haircut?) finally realized that she threw away her chance at an independent productive career by pursuing an adolescent crush on an authority figure.

  16. June 12 panel:

    At last, those new potatoes have been mashed...
    And it looks like Toby has suddenly put on a beret... or perhaps she and Mary have contracted the Black Plague... not sure.

    Sorry to be so picky, but for cryin' out loud, just how long can you go on about what a great couple you think that they are!!!??? My eyeballs are bleeding with boredom.

    I bet there will be some action this weekend! (hope hope)


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