Opportunity seldom knocks twice, and neither does Mary Worth since she usually barges right in... but in this story, Mary can't stop knocking on every door she passes!
Mary's knock on Lynn's dressing room door at the ice rink led to weeks of conversation about Dead Greg:

And Mary's knock on Lynn's bedroom door led to weeks of conversation about Lynn's mysterious past:

And now we get to enjoy Mary explaining everything to Frank that Lynn just explained to Mary. This should be really exciting.
Today's Full Strip
Loved today's Free Secret Messages, wanders.
Still love how Mary has to say "Knock knock!" when she knocks on a door. Maybe she's OCD?
"Must meddle ... must meddle ... must count to twelve twice first ... must say knock every time I hear one ... did I remember to count to twelve? Must meddle...must meddle..."
Hee hee - love the secret messages! Mary Christmas and a Harpy New Year!
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