Boy, I'll say! The sparks have been flying all over this scintillating dialog, but now it is time for a WALK. Along the WATER. Where there will be real FIREWORKS! It is remarkable how Mary Worth was able to take two bland, dull, unethical professionals who had sworn off love as not for them, get them together over bland, dull, unappetizing food, and BLAM! FIREWORKS!
May I add that Doctor Mike Roberts is so smooth, you'd never guess he'd been off the market for seven years. You'd never guess that.
Today's Full Strip
Unethical because they acknowledge that they acknowledge having clients in common?
Jenna did seem to be fishing for gossip on her "interesting" clients, but his ham-handed, but successful, pivot to 'Jenna's interests' does suggest at least the Dr. felt under pressure to steer clear.
Nice Cubist lamp hanging in P1; the perspective of this item is impossible to gauge in Euclidean space...
Such character development....Moy is a genius.
Jenna is hypnotized by Dr. Mike's swirling chest hairs.
I'm waiting for them to actually look at one another.
Dr. Mike has the weirdest line across his enormous forehead. Is that why Jenna can't look directly at him?
That line on his forehead developed in the last two panels. He's going all Mr. Hyde on us. And I think she can't look at him because he's got one eye looking at her and one eye looking for her.
It's not even dark yet. They have plenty of time for dessert before their stroll. I would recommend the pablum parfait, or perhaps the whipped toast on a bed of brown stuff, or if they're feeling really indulgent, the seven layer curd cake. Mmmmmm.
I am sure that wedding bells will follow the fireworks. The pre-marital counselors are licking their chops.
If there are fireworks in that room, they must be duds.
...as Dr. Mike pats his wallet to make sure his "Protection", put in there back in 1999, is still sealed.
Sorry, Jenna, but we'll see you on "CSI: Santa Royale" tomorrow, as the victim of the week!
oooo, those chest hairs are super sexy! No wonder suave Dr. Mike chose to skip the necktie! Yeah, sure, he may have risked the wrath of waiter McSnooty, but it's SOoo worth it to win over the ladies, ya' know!? Fireworks in time for the Fourth, baby!
I wonder if they'll stroll past the Aldo Kelrast Memorial Scenic Overlook?
I just want to know how much lower Jenna's expectations of a fireworks-worthy first date could go.
I haven't experienced those kind of fireworks since I dated a blow up doll.
Dr. Mike = someone's red-headed stepchild
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