One of the great accomplishments any patient can achieve in therapy is acceptance. Bonnie Johnson, impulsive shopping has affected your marriage. Accept that. Toby Cameron, your horrible marriage causes you to take unnecessary risks online. Accept that. Waldo Kelrast, your loneliness has resulted in an inability to let go. Accept that. Wanders, your failure to cope with reality has caused you to obsess over Mary Worth. Accept that!
Today's Full Strip
You know, I'm not really sure Dr Mike IS Dr Mike. Maybe the REAL Dr Mike is tied up in the closet and this charlatan is taking over his practice and his love life. I'll bet anything the REAL Dr Mike is a man-about-town, Casanova-like lover. and this ignorant buffoon thinks he can just step into his shoes and his practice. BUT, the fake Dr Mike didn't take into account his own neuroses which would make anyone other than the dullards who populate Mary-Worthland sit up and take notice of this "Dr" who does not have the ability to fix his own problems.
Jenna, RUN AWAY!!!!!
hey who turned the lights out in the second panal . my guess is mary will go find mikes father and find out that he is married to one mikes ex girlfreinds she will look like dawn and wear purple because you know old joe seems kinda tired lately.
What the...??? Is Mary sucking her thumb!? Her little "playing doctor" fantasy is going off the rails, and now she doesn't have a clue. Dang ol' Dr. Mike! This just isn't going according to her plan.
@Phoebes in London: I agree with you that the REAL Dr. Mike is tied up in the closet, or maybe down in the cafeteria eating the macaroni and cheese special. This is NOT the same guy who watched sparklers on the beach with Jenna!!!
It's about time for Mary to move to Mike's other side and for the table and lamp to reappear.
@ Chester -- Your event sounds like fun! If I lived in NYC, I'd definitely check it out! A bit far to get there from Ohio, sadly. Even with free admission.
I've come around to the Fake Dr. Mike Theory as well. Did Giella think we just wouldn't see the swap? That we were too enthralled in all the nail-biting childhood revelations to notice? I call your attention to the July 2 strip, in which Dr. Mike's blazer is so fetchingly matched to his (erstwhile) hair color -- http://bit.ly/9HJX84 -- and challenge anyone to claim that this is the same man.
I can't say it enough. Mike is a mess! Dodged a bullet!
First Dr. Mike changes hair colors from orange-brown to blue-black, and now he has a cleft in his chin and looks COMPLETELY DIFFERENT IN EVERY WAY. Giella is actually fake Giella. Someone else must have taken over while Giella is on sabbatical in Italy.
Geez, Dr. Mike, take some Benefiber to cure those internal pains. It comes in rasberry ice and kiwi now! I think I need a dose to get this #$@^ outta me.
So the good doctor is a shape shifter? Wow, cool.
p.s. word check is "caringly"!!1!
Haha, after a coupla' days when this is all over and Dr. Mike sees Mary again in the halls at Mountview--he's going to be soooooo EMBARRASSED!! It's like when you were in Junior High and you got up your nerve to pour your heart out in a note and put it in your crush's locker? And then you see them two days later and you feel so foolish and embarrassed you just want to die? Yep, that's what ol' Mike is going to feel like.
Oh nooooooooooo! Mary is turning into a smurf! And blue is simply NOT her color.
That last panel in today's strip is all kinds of awesome. She would fit in well at the U-Michigan football games (the yellow side would have to be more "maize" though). If she comes to a game, she can stay at my house (1.5 miles from the stadium). That would be some fun! Except that she does not exist.
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