Monday, October 11, 2010

Mary Worth 867

I think she means, "Are we ready to look at some GIGANTIC dresses?" Those are some pretty huge manikins back there.

Today's Full Strip


Shmoopie said...

This is one magic bridal shop! It made Adrian morph into an 11-year old girl and Mary into a wrinkle-free dolly. And Jill...well, she scares me already, what with her sceptically furrowed brow and Adrian clinging to her for dear life and all.

heydave said...

One dress to bind them all in the darkness?

I messed up the quote, but why do these three look like they're off on some great quest, and there will be blood?

Tony said...

Moy has employed the literary device known as foreshadowing to tell us something about Jill Black. Devoting nearly the entire Sunday strip to her tardiness at the bridal shop has to mean something. Perhaps she was establishing her supremacy over the mortals she was meeting -- "It amuses me to make them wait."

Jared said...

Is Mary giving Jill a wedgie?

Anonymous said...

Adrian didn't introduce Jill to Mary, a faux pas that is not soon to be forgotten.

Vicki said...

I suspect Jeff BRIBED Adrian to invite Mary along for this little outing!
Adrian clearly prefers Jill's company as seen by her positioning herself far away from Mary,and cementing herself to Jill's arm!
Since Mary seems to know everything about everyone at Mountview, the fact she and Jill don't even exchange greetings is quite curious!
One last thing--is this the same dress shop where Queenie Gomez bought her wedding dress? It would be so awesome if A. picked out the same dress.

Robert said...

Joe Giella can't even draw a realistic hug between friends! And why does Jill look like a malevolent Marcia Brady?

birdie said...

I think they're all cowering because of that gigundo mishapen hand that popped out of that saleslady's sleeve.
But Mary's taking advantage of ths moment of surprise to pick Jill's pocket.

birdie said...

I think this is pretty exciting, in a spooky sort of way. Maybe it will drag on until it becomes a Halloween theme: Bridal Shop of Horrors. Bwahaha!

Anonymous said...

Is Jill transgendered?

Chester said...

Jill is looking a little thin. She need to head over to the mall and hang with B?B?J?