Okay, Nola, ask yourself very carefully, what is it that you want?
It has been suggested that I create a label for Dan Smithers, but don't kid yourself, Dan Smithers will never be anything more than a bit player. I'm beginning to think he got what he deserved.
Isn't it time for Mary to show up and save the day? Or maybe tomorrow we will see a shocked Mary reading an article in the newspaper about a local woman who was attacked by a former acquaintance, and beaten to a bloody pulp in an expensive shopping district of Santa Royale.
No, I'm sorry to say that this looks like Dan will whimper away after a few more recitations, leaving Nola to think "Well, he didn't get what he wanted!"
In the second panel, Dan looks a lot like the guy in the "Operation" game. Maybe Nola can use tweezers to remove some organs and put him out of his misery.
Like Elaine@7:56 AM, I'm disgusted that Nola appears to be developing a conscience. I want her to swing her shopping bag at Dan and exclaim, "Out of my way, loser! I always get what I want!" A contrite Nola will be as bad as a reformed Jill Black. Sheesh!
Tuffenuf, I was thinking that blue bottle in Dan's pocket was Bombay Sapphire Gin, indicating he still has some half-decent stuff in the liquor cabinet from his time, a few weeks ago, as VP. With his French cuffs and Smithers tartan tie, we can see that he hasn't completely lost his stylistic flair.
If Nola has made her it life's ambition to always get what she wants, by any means necessary, I find it pretty hard to believe that Shaky Dan is the first person to have confronted her about it.
Is this going to be like a redo of A Christmas Carol? Is Nola going to escape Dan, only to be confronted by some irate woman around the corner, whose husband she had a an affair with? Will the last ''ghost'' be Mary, showing her her sorry fate?
@Maude: I was thinking the same thing! D-Dan is the ghost of Nola's scheming past.
The next specter will transport her to the workaday world of her minimum wage underlings, one of whom will die if she doesn't intervene.
In the final apparition, Nola will be shown a creepy cemetery as she is buried with no one in attendance. In horror she sees on her gravestone the words "Here Lies a Woman Who Always Got What She Wanted."
With a grimace, Nola turns away from Mr. Boozybreath Sweatstink. Her hand is curled/clinched near her mouth. She thinks..I...want...to...get...away from here. And since she always gets what she wants, she raises a finger and briskly calls, "Taxi!"
People who have "the right stuff" to make it all the way up to VP in a Corporation generally don't fall to pieces in one months' time, esp. over a lie!! Does he not have friends or colleagues who can vouch for him? Oh, wait...this is SR and no one has friends here. I forgot.
lol, I loved the Operation Game reference as well! Good one!
Nah--he's a bit player, with his only outstanding moment being when his head explodes, unleashing a cloud of !!!#@%?*@!! and MD 20/20 glass shard debris for Mary to suck into her Soul-Dirt Devil, which she'll use to take Nola down morally?/legally?/physically?/smugly?/all of the above? in perhaps 10 months from now.
What Nola wants is for him to get out of the way so she can look at the pretty dress.
Hold on here! Is Nola actually feeling sad about Dan? She can't possibly be developing a conscience now, just when things are heating up!
More has happened to Dan in the past month than happens in the rest of the Worthiverse in months!
Isn't it time for Mary to show up and save the day? Or maybe tomorrow we will see a shocked Mary reading an article in the newspaper about a local woman who was attacked by a former acquaintance, and beaten to a bloody pulp in an expensive shopping district of Santa Royale.
No, I'm sorry to say that this looks like Dan will whimper away after a few more recitations, leaving Nola to think "Well, he didn't get what he wanted!"
D-Dan. One question:
Is it sweat, warts, moles or (as was suggested yesterday) smallpox?
I've known plenty of drunks and sweating isn't necessarily a trait of drunkenness... Somehow Giella seems convinced that this is so.
Oh, and I don't think that is a liquor bottle in his pocket... with that light blue shade, it looks more like a bottle of Maalox!
In the second panel, Dan looks a lot like the guy in the "Operation" game. Maybe Nola can use tweezers to remove some organs and put him out of his misery.
Like Elaine@7:56 AM, I'm disgusted that Nola appears to be developing a conscience. I want her to swing her shopping bag at Dan and exclaim, "Out of my way, loser! I always get what I want!" A contrite Nola will be as bad as a reformed Jill Black. Sheesh!
Tuffenuf, I was thinking that blue bottle in Dan's pocket was Bombay Sapphire Gin, indicating he still has some half-decent stuff in the liquor cabinet from his time, a few weeks ago, as VP. With his French cuffs and Smithers tartan tie, we can see that he hasn't completely lost his stylistic flair.
KitKat....what a way to wake up in the morning. Loved your "Operation" reference. Don't touch the sides!!!!!!
Why did his wife leave him? And no one will hire him? What did Nola do, call CNN? Do the ladies of THE VIEW mock Smithers on their program?
If Nola has made her it life's ambition to always get what she wants, by any means necessary, I find it pretty hard to believe that Shaky Dan is the first person to have confronted her about it.
Is this going to be like a redo of A Christmas Carol? Is Nola going to escape Dan, only to be confronted by some irate woman around the corner, whose husband she had a an affair with? Will the last ''ghost'' be Mary, showing her her sorry fate?
Maude, I think you have hit the nail on the head.
I can't wait to see this unfold as you have predicted!
@Maude: I was thinking the same thing! D-Dan is the ghost of Nola's scheming past.
The next specter will transport her to the workaday world of her minimum wage underlings, one of whom will die if she doesn't intervene.
In the final apparition, Nola will be shown a creepy cemetery as she is buried with no one in attendance. In horror she sees on her gravestone the words "Here Lies a Woman Who Always Got What She Wanted."
LOL at the secret message and the comments today!
Mannequin is really ruffled by this situation.
--Beagle Vet
I've missed two weeks--and yet I haven't.
Yesterday could Smithers be offering a hint with his "the sorry *&^%#" comment?
Tie the symbols to numbers, and read the letters from the phone. The sorry 'trole' perhaps? Is it Mr Trololo behind all this?
"My wife left me... the only job I could get was joining the Nazi party!"
With a grimace, Nola turns away from Mr. Boozybreath Sweatstink. Her hand is curled/clinched near her mouth. She thinks..I...want...to...get...away from here. And since she always gets what she wants, she raises a finger and briskly calls, "Taxi!"
People who have "the right stuff" to make it all the way up to VP in a Corporation generally don't fall to pieces in one months' time, esp. over a lie!! Does he not have friends or colleagues who can vouch for him? Oh, wait...this is SR and no one has friends here. I forgot.
lol, I loved the Operation Game reference as well! Good one!
D-Dan says "My REPUTATION IS SHOT because of your lies!..." Could he be packing heat, and this is foreshadowing of what is to come next?
This is like "Trading Places" except for not being entertaining.
Mary should cook a casserole and give it to D-Dan to help cheer him up.
Is Dan hitchhiking??
Nah--he's a bit player, with his only outstanding moment being when his head explodes, unleashing a cloud of !!!#@%?*@!! and MD 20/20 glass shard debris for Mary to suck into her Soul-Dirt Devil, which she'll use to take Nola down morally?/legally?/physically?/smugly?/all of the above? in perhaps 10 months from now.
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