Because there is no technologically viable way for Wilbur to submit his "Ask Wendy" column while overseas, he'll have to forward all his readers' emails to Mary Worth.
Rats, we may not see the Westons in Italy with Giorgio after all! I figured that Karen Moy was trying to channel Henry James and do a Worthiverse take on "Daisy Miller." Now Dawn won't catch Roman Fever and die after all - darn. Instead we'll see Mary getting a crash course in keyboarding from Dr. Jeff.
Wilbur plans to be gone for two months. Translating Worthiverse time to realtime, isn't that about a year and a half?
As to not seeing the Westons in Italy, imagine Giella's take on the scenery. Wilbur and Dawn sitting on a transplanted Park Bench, with the Leaning Tower of Pisa in the background. Or St. Peter's. Or both at the same time.
Well, I guess it was a waste of time watching "Roman Holiday" after all, although everyone's comments have whetted my appetite for a Worthiverse version of Italy. I'm sad we won't be seeing Dawn and Wilbur. I fear the closest we'll get will be Mary at the airport, waving good-bye to Wilbur in that awful checked sport coat and Dawn in her ubiquitous purple outfit. Maybe she can take that teddy bear to use as a buffer in case the plane crashes. . . .
Now we'll see Dr. Jeff pleading with Mary to join him for 'dinner' at the Bum Boat, but Mary, firmly entrenched at her kitchenette, will be bent over her legal pad or rose-embossed stationery, declining. "No, Jeff. I can't. I promised Wilbur and his editor that I'd get this column in on time--deadline, it's called in The Newspaper Business--and that is what I intend to do!"
Wilbur, don't you realize that, where advice is concerned, asking Mary to take over for you is like asking Hemingway to take over for Moy? You're about to lose your job.
Mary will probably sit down at her desk, and answer each letter by hand on monogrammed stationary, delicately scented with lavender.
I hope we at least get a few ''Meanwhile, in Italy...'' strips of Dawn being swept off her feet by suave Italian men. Perhaps a romantic dinner, at the Italian version of The Bum Boat- which, according to Google Translate, is Il Bum Boat- Not as romantic as I expected.
Maybe Wilbur had a lover, many years ago in Italy, when he and Giorgio were young? A stunning, slightly portlier version of Sophia Loren, perhaps? Dawn will be sipping espresso, coyly flirting with some dark eyed Romeo, when she spots a guy across the piazza della Città, stuffing chicken parm sandwiches into his mouth like potato chips, and realize that she has a brother, Wilburto!
''Meanwhile, in Italy...'' Dawn slumps on the hotel room bed watching Game of Thrones, while Wilbur alone in the restaurant, scarfing down linguini with mayonaise.
If we have to suffer through Mary pecking away at her keyboard, could we at LEAST have a little romance blossom between her and the bossman who looks like a mortician?
Maybe a little jealousy spark as Jeff overhears Mary on the phone for the umpteenth time? "Why YES, mr. bossman, I CAN meet you for dinner at Restaurant tonight to discuss the, er... column, *giggle giggle!*"
Doesn't it seem like they're taking the long way around, though? If Wilbur's this great advice columnist and Mary's this great substitute advice columnist/meddler extraordinaire, shouldn't they be able to straighten Dawn out between them, without Wilbur having to spring for plane tickets?
Wilbur would do well to contemplate the career of New York Yankee ballplayer Wally Pipp.
Thud! (that is me, surprised)
Mary who doesn't accept technology?
~Merry Pookster
Rats, we may not see the Westons in Italy with Giorgio after all! I figured that Karen Moy was trying to channel Henry James and do a Worthiverse take on "Daisy Miller." Now Dawn won't catch Roman Fever and die after all - darn. Instead we'll see Mary getting a crash course in keyboarding from Dr. Jeff.
Wilbur plans to be gone for two months. Translating Worthiverse time to realtime, isn't that about a year and a half?
As to not seeing the Westons in Italy, imagine Giella's take on the scenery. Wilbur and Dawn sitting on a transplanted Park Bench, with the Leaning Tower of Pisa in the background. Or St. Peter's. Or both at the same time.
As to not seeing the Westons in Italy, imagine Giella's take on the scenery.
Or the food - who knew the Italians ate salmon squares and mid-sized beige-colored balls of who knows what.
- spencer
Well, I guess it was a waste of time watching "Roman Holiday" after all, although everyone's comments have whetted my appetite for a Worthiverse version of Italy. I'm sad we won't be seeing Dawn and Wilbur. I fear the closest we'll get will be Mary at the airport, waving good-bye to Wilbur in that awful checked sport coat and Dawn in her ubiquitous purple outfit. Maybe she can take that teddy bear to use as a buffer in case the plane crashes. . . .
Now we'll see Dr. Jeff pleading with Mary to join him for 'dinner' at the Bum Boat, but Mary, firmly entrenched at her kitchenette, will be bent over her legal pad or rose-embossed stationery, declining. "No, Jeff. I can't. I promised Wilbur and his editor that I'd get this column in on time--deadline, it's called in The Newspaper Business--and that is what I intend to do!"
And thus we readers are instructed in Values.
Can't wait to see Mary deliver her hand written column to the bossman editor.
Wilbur, don't you realize that, where advice is concerned, asking Mary to take over for you is like asking Hemingway to take over for Moy? You're about to lose your job.
Mary will probably sit down at her desk, and answer each letter by hand on monogrammed stationary, delicately scented with lavender.
I hope we at least get a few ''Meanwhile, in Italy...'' strips of Dawn being swept off her feet by suave Italian men. Perhaps a romantic dinner, at the Italian version of The Bum Boat- which, according to Google Translate, is Il Bum Boat- Not as romantic as I expected.
Maybe Wilbur had a lover, many years ago in Italy, when he and Giorgio were young? A stunning, slightly portlier version of Sophia Loren, perhaps? Dawn will be sipping espresso, coyly flirting with some dark eyed Romeo, when she spots a guy across the piazza della Città, stuffing chicken parm sandwiches into his mouth like potato chips, and realize that she has a brother, Wilburto!
Wilbur have a lover? ha ha ha
This should be a great story! But of course it won't.
''Meanwhile, in Italy...'' Dawn slumps on the hotel room bed watching Game of Thrones, while Wilbur alone in the restaurant, scarfing down linguini with mayonaise.
If we have to suffer through Mary pecking away at her keyboard, could we at LEAST have a little romance blossom between her and the bossman who looks like a mortician?
Maybe a little jealousy spark as Jeff overhears Mary on the phone for the umpteenth time? "Why YES, mr. bossman, I CAN meet you for dinner at Restaurant tonight to discuss the, er... column, *giggle giggle!*"
@Chester the Dog,12:35 PM - (1) Game of Thrones will be dubbed in Italian, and (2) it will be linguini with mayonnaise and ham.
Wilbur wouldn't eat linguini with mayonnaise! It's Miracle Whip or nuthin'.
(Actually, I'm quite partial to Miracle Whip myself, but then I grew up in Ohio during the 50's.)
ROFL at Wilburto and linguine with mayonnaise!
Doesn't it seem like they're taking the long way around, though? If Wilbur's this great advice columnist and Mary's this great substitute advice columnist/meddler extraordinaire, shouldn't they be able to straighten Dawn out between them, without Wilbur having to spring for plane tickets?
At least a couple of months in Italy should be a lot more therapeutic than an afternoon flying kites!
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