Now it is up to you, dear readers and fellow citizens of Santa Royale. Below you will find the nominees for each category. After considering the nominees, please use the polling device for each category to make your selection.
Thank you,
The Condo Board
Please select one of the following panels below for outstanding use of a prop in 2012. Please use the interactive poll below the four panels to cast your vote.
Mary's Big Computer
Big Rubber Finger
Chin Napkin
Jim's New Arm
Magical Hobo
Nola Wolvenson
Emily Smith from Goleta
surveys & polls
Please select the most outstanding use of profanity in 2012.
Dan Smithers
Nola Wolvenson
Wayne the Kidnapper
Cruise Ship Passenger
Cruise Ship Captain
surveys & polls
Please select the outstanding performance by an established character in 2012.
Mary Worth

Wilbur Weston

Dawn Weston

Jeff Cory, M.D.
survey solutions
Jim "Bob"
Our Social Order
Reminds me of Dave
Gina in the Sky
surveys & polls
Please select the outstanding story of 2012.
Woo-Hoo Bobby
Whatever Nola Wants
Kidnapped! (or Free Ice Cream)
Life is Brutal
survey tools
Amazing work, Wanders. You brought back so many memories of 2012. It will be hard to choose between Floating Gina in the Window and Dawn 's lewd comment about Dave in front of her father (and Michaelangelo).
Also, I didn't realize there was so swearing this year! Moy's going blue.
So many flashbacks to so many wonderful stories to... how much time I've spent on this blog!
What a @&*$#ing wonderful life!
Wow--Christmas come early! Can't wait to read and vote at lunch!
This poll must have taken you forever to put up! Thank you. It was wonderful to see all of the
"highlights" of 2012 and I can't wait for the awards.
Given the seemingly endless Dawn Weston saga, it's hard to believe there were 3 other stories to consider. Thanks for a fun year, Wanders!
Voting for the Worthy Awards is so much more fun than the recent political elections.
Now about this conversation between Mary and John Dill. How often have you suddenly turned your back on a person with whom you are having a conversation? Mary did it Wednesday, and John did it yesterday and again today. I'm sure it would appear rather odd to someone observing these two from a distance. Again, you have to wonder if Moy choreographed this scene, or did Uncle Joe come up with it on his own.
So much awesomeness! Thanks Wanders.
One other category to consider - best food of the year:
- Giant unicorn cake
- Ghost pie
- Kelk casserole
- Salmon squares
- Vegetable tureen
- Weird white casserole with bacon strips on top for Wilbur
- other __________
Yahoonski nailed it. Dawn's story has been going on so long I'd forgotten about the other stories. Ahhh Gina, my favorite ever-ponytailed waitress!
The two hardest choices for me? Picking between Jim and the Magical Hobo, and then picking between Gina in the Sky or Reminds me of Dave. Whew, that was tough! I agree with Anonymous, best food of the year award!
Voting for me was relatively easy in all the categories other than "Best Regular Character". I couldn't decide which one was the least dismal and couldn't decide, so I didn't vote that category.
Thanks for the good work and brain-spraining time you put in on this, Wanders.
I can understand if Chin Napkin feels slighted. Looks like he may be the victim of a vicious conspiracy against his awesome appearance and Uncle Joe's secret agenda to make Moy look foolish, not that she needs his help.
It always so tough to choose only 1.
I'd forgotten that even Wilburwas asking back in May about Dawn: " How long will this go on?! "
But where's Mr. Trololo this year?
What awesome choices! I had forgotton Wilbur's "Jazz Hands", and anonymous co-worker's big rubber finger.
This is my first time voting on the Worthy Awards, and it was so much more fun than the recent November frolics. I'm just glad that there were no negative, Super-Pac sponsored ads influencing our choices. (I'm from Ohio. It was torture.)
I'm not implying anything, but how many times may we vote?
Wanders, thanks for your hard work in assembling the nominees! I hope it didn't leave you with a colossal headache. What a trip along Santa Royale Memory Lane! I'd forgotten how much Mr. Giella's version of "David" resembles Steve Martin.
@Anonymous at 9:15 AM, a category for food would be quite an addition. Mary's vegetable terrine vs. pink unicorn cake - oy!
unfair putting jims new arm againest chin napkin who should win every year. life is brutal was so long i forgot there were other storys this year
Thank you, Wanders, this was so much fun! This is only my second Worthy Awards vote and the first full year I've followed the strip & this blog. What a year it's been- I've laughed out loud at everyone's comments and your brilliant captioning. Am sending a PayPal donation your way :)
Rainbow Swirl ice cream!
@Delilah: Mr Trololo performed at the awards ceremony last year, which we'll have in January. This is just the initial vote.
@Sandi Ego: THANK YOU!
I vote for the hapless cruise ship waif who says "I help" (aiuto) instead of "help me" (aiutame).
I LOL'ed (and then screamed out #$*@#!$ after falling out of my chair) at the Jim "Bob," a delightful nod to Twin Peaks.
Ya know, that floating-Gina-head panel is absolutely outstanding and, IMHO, would be Panel of the Year were it not for Dawn's "reminds me of Dave" comment.
--Beagle Vet
Floating Gina Head! Floating Gina Head!
Life is Brutal.
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