Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Mary Worth 2392

Why do I have this strange feeling that this strip suddenly took a turn for the believable?


KitKat said...

I didn't know that pharmacists do drug counseling - how about that?! Could this pharmacist in pink (or lilac - it changes) be Mary in disguise? Mary is always willing to help people, which is always the signal to run for the hills.

Nance said...

Al Roker is ready for his "The More You Know" PSA.

jack said...

KitKat: Maybe because of HIPAA, the big chains always have a "consultation" window in addition to "drop off" and "stand behind here to pick up." They are consulting about something. Also, unlike the chain of doctors and pharmacists before him, this one has a sense of ethics.
Finally, it would take a real change for Mary to go blackface.

Dawn Weston's Evil Twin said...

The pharmacist understands and wants to help Tommy ... if Tommy will pass him a couple of cool Benjamins!

Yahoonski said...

The LAST time he ran out? Didn't Tommy go immediately into 1950s movie cold-turkey withdrawal symptoms the very FIRST time he ran out (after being so high he didn't even notice his stash was dwindling)?

fauxprof said...

The "help" to be offered involves either law enforcement or a trip to rehab. Possibly both. Anyway, it's a relief to encounter a character who seems to have a clue.

Anonymous said...

Is Tommy on parole? If so, "helping" may be a trip back to prison.

LouiseF said...

Iris' only response seems to be clueless disapproval.. ..

Anonymous said...

Sadly, what would happen next in the real world, would be that Tommy buys heroin from someone on the street. According to our local newspaper, many resort to this when the scripts run out. It's much cheaper and easier to obtain than prescription drugs. :-(

meg said...

This strip is brought to you courtesy of Vivitrol and those who can pay $1000 per month to use it. Love, Big Pharma

Anonymous said...

Send Tommy to Dr. Kaphuts methadone clinic down the street.

KitKat said...

At first blush, I wondered how Mary will take credit for this neat and tidy resolution. Then I remembered that it was her idea for Iris to spend more time with Tommy. If Iris hadn't driven Tommy to The Pharmacy on Cypress Street with Mr. Caring Pharmacist, things would be dire for Tommy indeed. So, another win for Meddler Mary!

Shmoopie said...

KitKat - mind blown!!!! Of course that's how it's going to go down. This isn't in the least about addiction or mopping floors in sandwich shops. It's about Mary ALWAYS giving the right advice at the right time. Sniff, I'm getting all verklemmt. What a beautiful world!

meg said...

KitKat- will this be resolved in time for Sunday Smugfest?

Anonymous said...

No, this isn't right. I'm guessing Mary has followed Iris and Tommy to the pharmacy; you know, just to make sure Iris is catching up on her lax Mommy duties, and, up until now, she's been quietly perusing the 50% off bin for ... yuck; who knows what. But there is no way Mary will ever let Mr. Caring Pharmacist (MCP) infringe on her territory. Offer Tommy help? "I don't think so, Buddy! Tommy's mine!" I'm seeing Mary deck Iris and Tommy, jump onto the counter and poke old MCP in his far-sighted eyes, telling him to mind his own CVS (Consumer Vicodin Supplier) business!