Friday, August 25, 2017

Mary Worth 2676

"And I'll be bringing home a new mommy for you!" ...Because Dr. Ned is talking to his child, right? Right?


Smooth said...

I think the most important thing we learn today about the good doctor is that he holds two degrees from Squiggle University.

It's well known that Squiggle U. has a remarkable tummy brain research team.

Dave in Parma said...

Huh. That's odd; why would Dr. Ned call Dawn from his office and not just run up to the front desk.

Place your bets now on if Dawn accepts what Jared says and confronts Dr. Forehead, or if she denies it and accuses Jared of making stuff up for being jealous. Or Jared confronts Dr. Forehead for cheating on him.

Then again, I'm assuming Dawn doesn't already know that he's in a relationship.

What has my life come to that I'm analyzing the plot of Mary Worth in depth??!!

Ian Cameron, PhD said...

I'm sure he's just talking to his dog Alfie, which all divorced men own.

KitKat said...

Let's not jump to conclusions. Maybe Ned is talking to his dog, Falfie.

Leaving your door open when you're on a "private" call is dumb dumb dumb. Maybe Ned and Dawn really are made for each other.

Toots McGee said...

Of course, Dr. Ned is talking to his dog Ralfie, who has the ability to make phone calls.

Anonymous said...

Overhearing Dr. Ned has upset Jared enough to turn his brown eyes, blue.

And although, like everyone else, I was gagging over the ridiculous "My Lovely" endearment, I was relieved that at least KM wasn't having Dr. Ned say her favorite: "Dear". Well, obviously, I spoke too soon.

Delilah said...

Ha ha! Dave in Parma, I have the same affliction: Analyzing MW plots in depth!

Nance said...

Today's Boldface Haiku is titled "Imagine What A Rollicking Slapstick Comedic Turn This Will Take When Jared And Dawn Meet Dr. Boss Ned's Kids, Honey And Dear!"

Boss lab results...
Of course, work late.

Anonymous said...

Aha, the cad is out of the bag.

Did any of us ever believe for a moment that Dr. Dreamy was a wonderful, sincere man who was only looking for love?

I didn't think so.

-- Scotty McW.

Yahoonski said...

Scotty McW: Brilliant!

Anonymous said...

I think Dr. Ned is talking to his mom - where he is staying after his wife kicked him out.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Yahoonski!

And now to continue our sad analysis of MW plots, I thought for a moment that maybe Moy was setting us up and that Ned really was talking to his daughter. But that's kind of iffy for two reasons:

(1) He wouldn't have to lie to his daughter about working late.

(2) He was all ready to jump on Dawn's bones at her place the other night, and Shirley a man with a young daughter at home wouldn't do that, even if she had a baby-sitter.

Unless, of course, he's a mega-creep.

So we're left with two possibilities: he's a mega-creep to his child or he's a mega-creep to his wife. I go with the latter.

Excuse me now, but I'm going to go off in search of a life.

-- S. McW.

Dave in Parma said...

Nice with the 'cad is out of the bag' Scotty.

The only way this could get convoluted is if Jared turns out to be Dr. Ned's son, and they're competing for the same dimwit.

....and please don't call me Shirley.

Nance said...


So good w/the Cad pun.

fauxprof said...

S. McW wins the internet today! "Cad out of the bag" will go down in the MW annals of superior puns!

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does Jared's hair remind anyone else of Dave? As in.... Michelangelo's Dave...

Anonymous said...
