Monday, November 11, 2019

Mary Worth 3227

Don't be so generous, Estelle. If he was sober, the date would have been even worse!


Bill the Butcher said...

He's certainly going to feel much worse in the morning when he discovers he's broken his spectacle earpiece.

Downpuppy said...

Now we know that June Brigman doesn't wear glasses. Sleep with glasses on, wake up with a headache. In Wilbur's case, he'll be considering amputation as a solution.

Anonymous said...

Considering what a great week it's been, it seems a little ungrateful to complain. However... I'm really bumming that we didn't get to see the end of the evening. Who paid the check? Estelle or Zak? Was there the typical, "Hey, what a great evening. Let's do it again sometime!" conversation?

Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

If this had been me, I would have left drunken Wilbur at the restaurant to fend for himself.

Estelle is a complete idiot. What normal person would even put up with this?

I wonder who cleaned Wilbur's shirt off? Hopefully tomorrow will show Wilbur covered in vomit. He's such a repulsive toad.

LouiseF said...

Cue Mary rapping on Wilbur's door tomorrow for an early morning trip to Animal Shelter to help feed the incarcerated residents that he forgot he committed to last week when he'd had a bit too much "liquid courage" and was in an expansive mood. Hilarious comment, M Wanders!

Anonymous said...

I hate to admit this, but all my favorite story lines are Wilbur train wreck storylines: the ship wreck, the Fabiana wreck, the Iris/shower/cliff wreck and now the Estelle wreck.

Anonymous said...

Several years ago, my brother and his now-ex wife had been to a party. She was so wasted that she couldn't walk and he had to carry her up the long brick stairway to their house. She was a big girl, and he had a couple of drinks, too, and accidentally dropped her on the brickwork before he got her into the house. The next day, she couldn't understand how she got all the bruises. He feigned ignorance. Wilbur didn't get that disheveled look and broken glasses by lying peacefully on the sofa. Estelle body-slammed him. And felt lots better for it.

Moss_Moses said...

Wilbur really needs to stay away from the liquid courage. It is more like liquid buffoon in his case. Where is Dawn Weston all this time?

Chin Napkin Groupie said...

In the real world Estelle and Iris would have nothing more to do with this idiot. But this is the Worthiverse so we know otherwise. I wonder what Ask Wendy would say?

Anonymous said...

@Chin Napkin Groupie - the chin napkins at My Thai were used for something other than chins - are you going to change your name?

meg said...

Anonymous @509pm: I cannot stand by and see you toss scurrilous and unsavory hints in the general direction of my frenemy, Chin Napkin Groupie! Those napkins were used to bind Wilbur’s hands and feet when he resisted being removed from My Thai. Zak grabbed the head and shoulders, and Iris and Estelle each grabbed one of his Crocs-clad tootsies. They then stuffed him into the trunk of Estelle’s Volvo.
Chinnie- we who are about to snark salute you!

katyb said...

Wilbur and his spawn, Dawn, are so perfectly dreadful. They are needy, clingy and delusional. And everyone in their orbits are oblivious. Why, KM, why?