Thursday, November 21, 2019

Mary Worth 3235

Pretty much not the message you want to be sending right now, Wilbur. In fact, the exact opposite message you want to be sending.


KitKat said...

Estelle and Wilbur: The Glum and Clueless Lovebirds. It’s a match made in ... somewhere.

That boom box probably takes eight size D batteries, so Wilbur’s arms can’t last much longer.

Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

Estelle looks like she's wavering. Please let the police come before this happens. Or even a lightning bolt.

Vince said...

Wanders, you are so right. Does Wilbur really wanted to be going with an alcohol-related theme at this particular moment?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I like piña coladas /
An' sloppin' food on my shirt /
Dissin' soy-eatin' boy toys /
An' slurrin' words meant to hurt.

-- Scottie McW.

Anonymous said...

All right, Moy and Brigman, you win. I'm done. I give up. I GIVE UP, you hear me? I surrender! Even Libby, who presumably shares all cats' propensity to stand forever in open doorways deciding whether to go in or out, is getting impatient with Estelle's dithering. Go ahead, let them get back together if such be Your inscrutable will, let them spawn a legion of needy little test-tube Wilbur clones with boxing gloves, whatever... just please, please, I implore you in the name of the blessed virgin (?) Mary, please let this sorry plotline end and move onto another plot with no Westons or Estelles in it. Sure, it was all fun and frolics in the heady days of Yak Guy and Irish and purple Macallan, but we are paying a heavy price for it now and repenting in ashes and sackcloth for our high-jinks with spring rolls. My anguish at Wilbur's incompetent gestures of self-abasement is intensified by knowing that we haven't even got to the part where Estelle spends six weeks on the Blah Blah Bench telling Mary about her feelings. I'm so ready for Mary and Toby to go on another cruise and spend months - years - watching towel folding demonstrations, or for Ian to do something pompous and arrogant, or for some new complication in the lives of the junior Corys, or for a melodrama involving some long-lost friend of Mary's that we've never heard of before and will never hear of again, just please in the name of all that is holy, some plot, any plot, but this.

Yours in all humility,

-A broken reader

Tim said...

My song choice would be Let's Just Get Naked by Joan Osborne.
I'm very, very afraid that KM is trying to make Wilbur sympathetic and romantic.

fauxprof said...

Isn’t about time for Mary to take another Christmas trip to New York? I’d gladly swap the dolorous courtship of Wilbur and Estelle for the likes of Olive Tummybrain (forever eight) and the tee-hee twosome. Maybe we could return to Dear Old Shelley Cohen, or console Ken Kensington, who can’t understand why he keeps getting turned down for a role in “Hamilton”. Anything but the inevitable reconciliation scene just in time for the reunited pair to be guests of honor (or horror) at Mary’s Thanksgiving feast.

Tim said...

I just told my dog, named Paisley, to go away Wilbur.
Please stop with this storyline, KM.

TimP said...

So, I don't want to admit to reading the wikipedia article on that song and then the article about Rupert Holmes (fascinating career by the way!) but I did.

Interesting note: That song was released almost forty years ago and went on to become the last number one hit of 1979.

In Your Eyes is no spring chicken either clocking in at a mere thirty six years old.

mr_darcy said...

The first time Moy quoted the Pina Colada Song, I couldn't get it out of my head for days. Thanks to yesterday's line about sand dunes, this time I hear Maria Muldaur's Midnight at the Oasis. Thank heaven for small favors.

I usually enjoy my daily Wilbur hate. Morning coffee, hate Wilbur. But this pathetic begging/stalking with no self-awareness has crossed the line. I want to step on him like a bug and keep walking.

LouiseF said...

Hilarious, everyone! Scotty McW: you have a gift! Since Wilbur has been out in the rain for over 24 hours, it seems to me his boom box will be soon flagging. Even those D batteries KitKat mentioned can't hold up in a downpour forever, plus it looks like the Southern California rain has turned to hail. What's next? A plague of grasshoppers? One can hope.

LouiseF said...

Maybe Wilbur has confused the pouring rain for his shower and the boom box for his shower radio...

Chester the Dog said...

What is the point of this? Will it ever end?

Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

@TimP, I am ashamed to admit I did the exact same thing yesterday. That stupid song was going through my head and I started singing it to myself when I was grocery shopping last night. Then I sang it to my cat. If I didn't really hate Wilbur before, I truly, truly hate him now for putting that song that I had long buried back in my head.

KM must have watched Netflix this past weekend and saw that stupid movie that Wilbur is trying to emulate. Wilbur, you are no John Cusack. Unless you've seen the movie, no one has any idea what is going on and they're thinking that Wilbur is a raving lunatic (which he is). He went on a few dates with Estelle, ran off to Mozambique and never contacted her, now he's back doing a full blown Fatal Attraction. Estelle better keep an eye on Libby because like I said yesterday, she's going to end up in a pot of boiling water.

Wilbur and Dawn are two of a kind: clingy, needy, obnoxious and insane.

Jana C.H. said...

The last number one hit of 1979. That explains why I keep getting that song stuck in my head as well. It was just about that year that I started investigating the Classical section in record stores and began my metamorphosis into an opera buff. If I had started weaving my cocoon a few years earlier, I might not have been infected by that particular earworm.

I need to go cleanse my brain with some Verdi. "La donna è mobile": now there's an earworm!

Anonymous said...

@Louise F. . . thanks very much!

@ A Broken Reader . . . I literally laughed out loud. More, more!

S. McW.

r u ok? said...

Next up on the boom box - (Wasted Away Again in) Margaritaville

Martin said...

I realize it's raining, but is a flock of pigeons flying over Wilbur as well?

Anonymous said...

Jana C.H. - thank you so much! I love, love, love that clip! Wasn't that aria used in a spaghetti commercial? I hope not, but even so, maybe that might have been a good thing. I, too, years ago, decided that I wanted to learn about opera. I am a love child, a product of the 60's; but I hated the popular music of that era, and have ever after. Seriously, listen to the crap lyrics of country music; the 50's, 60's, 70's, etc. (It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to!) and compare that to the clip you've provided! Pavarotti; now there's a man I'd cry over! Anyway, I'm still learning about classical music and opera; so much to obsorb. But, this might be a help to anyone who wants to introduce themselves on a very basic level to opera. It's a book by Ron David, published 1995, "Beginners Guide to Opera." It's basic, simple, and funny as all get out. Enjoy!

Jana C.H. said...

Anonymous at 5:30: I have that book by Ron David, although by the time it came out in the 90s I no longer needed a beginner's guide. I bought it because it's in cartoon format, and I was a comics fan long before I became an opera buff.

The weird thing about "La donna è mobile" is that everyone recognizes it as a beautiful, unforgettable, romantic love song. It's only us opera fans who know it's really a cynical, bitterly ironic song about sexual abuse. I recently heard it used in a video promoting a political candidate, as background music for the segment in which the candidate talks about his wonderful forty-year marriage and how he and his wife are soulmates. Whoever was in charge of making that video knew nothing about opera!

Onion Rings said...

Anonymous, you were sadly right about the spaghetti. This version of the aria has been in my head since 1989. It would probably be just as good a choice for Wilbur.

Anonymous said...

Jana C.H. - You're so right about "La donna è mobile" - I'd love to see how that candidate would react if he is someday told its true meaning. If whomever chose it had looked into Pavarotti's eyes in that clip, they would have recognized what an old lech the Duke was!

Onion Rings - Thanks.. I think.. for that clip! Now I can look forward to that commercial playing in my head for the next decade or two! I agree; it would be an excellent version for Wilbur, but possibly for Pavarotti too. He looked like he might have enjoyed a few breadsticks now and then!

Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

Nobody's made a comment yet on today's strip. I know it's very boring but...

If I was Estelle, if Mary said to me "Oh no, what happened?" I would say "What HASN'T happened? Wilbur got drunk, insulted everyone, pawed Iris and most likely puked on himself after I left him on his couch. Then he was outside at all hours of the night with a boombox! Who even has a boombox anymore? I;m surprised no one called the cops on him for making noise after hours. Thanks Mary for telling me to stick with Wilbur. Now get out. OUT!"

Anonymous said...

So Estelle completely ignored all of Wilbur's craziness? Good for her.

"NOT GREAT" - that made me laugh out loud when I read it today.

KitKat said...

I don't believe that Mary doesn't know what happened. A super meddler like her would have all of Charterstone and the surrounding territory on 24/7 surveillance. She's simply testing Estelle to see if her story squares with Mary's observations, or if it's gotcha time.

Interesting discussion about "La donna e mobile" on the blog yesterday! Personally, I'd like to see Wilbur's body in a sack being thrown into the nearest body of water. Arrivederci Woeful Wilbur!

Anonymous said...

"I need to think things over, Mary, and I told Wilbur that he needs to think things over, too. He agreed and said he was going to go up at Lookout-Below Point and give some . . . "

"WHAAAAAAAT???? Holy %@*&^+=?, we gotta stop hi . . . Uh, you know what, never mind. To hell with him."

-- S. McW.

@KitKat -- you're right. In addition, she scans the security-cameras footage every morning and logs her entries daily.

Anonymous said...

Not great? NOT GREAT?!!! For cryin' out loud, Estelle, your last date with Wilbur was a #%*@^$# train wreck! I think we really need a flashback here. I want to see what kind of relationship Estelle had with Jimmy. "Oh, it was pretty great. I mean, he only beat me on long weekends."


lmjb1964 said...

I'm just glad that Estelle is still sticking with "We need a break." I couldn't tell from her face yesterday whether she was wavering or not. But I agree that "not great" is a bit of an understatement.

So curious to see what Mary has to say when Estelle tells her what happened. "Oh, that quirky Wilbur! He's just so endearing when he's a nasty drunk!"

Great comments from everyone lately. But I am hoping Nance comes back soon with some BFH, now that there's some new material.

Jana C.H. said...

KitKat: But wouldn't the nearest body of water be the Charterstone swimming pool?

Listen to Sparafucile; he's a pro. You need to take the corpse farther away from the scene of the crime before dumping it.

KitKat said...

The next muffins Wilbur eats should be at an AA meeting.

Jana C.H. from yesterday, point well taken. I wouldn’t want to see Mr. Allora hauling Wilbur’s corpse out of the pool. Maybe Sparafucile could dispose of the sack and its contents where Dr. Jeff docks his boat.

Richard Koloda said...

Richard Koloda said...

The above link was for a cute sign about taking your wife and your girlfriend to a chinese restaurant

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't June just make the splashing raindrops the same color as everything else? We would understand what they are, and it would look much more realistic. By making them white, she makes it appear that Ol' Sad Sack is getting strafed with pigeon poop.

Do we have to tell these people EVERYTHING?

-- S. McW.

Anonymous said...

S. McW. - same reason she colors everyones tears white. It's one of my many pet peeves about this strip.

Jana C.H. said...

KitKat: Sparafucile ordinarily disposes of the body for you when you order a hit from him. It's part of the package. He knows the depths and tidal currents of all the Santa Royale waterways, so you'll never have to worry about seeing Wilbur's bloated form floating to the surface outside the window of the Bum Boat while you enjoy lunch with your boy toy. Sparafucile Ltd: Honest. Efficient. Professional. For all your assassination needs.

lmjb1964 said...

@Jana C. H, hilarious.A @Richard Koloda I'm glad you posted an explanation. I was worried that was a spam post. Great find with that sign.

Every time I see those frames with Wilbur in the rain o stay j my head a little bit. That scene in "Say Anything," with Lloyd playing "In Your Eyes," was such a poignant moment. But it's Wilboor and he's playing the friggin' Pima Colada song. Are we supposed to find that as moving as the original scene? Are we supposed to laugh? Are we supposed to find Wilbur ridiculous? We do, but are we supposed to? Just not sure what's going on in the mind of Moy.

I do know, however, that I really want Estelle's next line to be, "Wait, you knew he had a drinking problem, and didn't bother to mention it to me? What the hell is wrong with you? Take your muffins and get lost!"

If only.

Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

So now we find out that Wilbur is a lush. Thanks for not sharing, Mary. Is that one of his so called "endearing quirks?" I'm with you Imjb1964. I would throw Mary and her muffins out too.

Garnet said...

Estelle is being a complete namby-pamby. She doesn't need a break from Wilbur - she needs to dump him for good.

Steve G said...

SUNDAY .....

Today‘a quite should have been:

“Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.”
- Dean Wormer


Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

Sunday: So let me get this straight: You and Wilbur's song is a song that's about drinking and cheating. These two idiots deserve each other. I'm still surprised no one called the cops on Wilbur.

I wonder how Mary's going to meddle through this. Make Wilbur go to AA? Another trip back to Dr. Sweatervest? Talk Wilbur off the "thinkin' and drinkin'" cliff?

KitKat said...

One would think that Wilbur’s actions, as related by Estelle, would prompt her to do more than “take a break” from that mess of a man. As Regina Wolfe-Parks states above, these two idiots deserve each other. Mary is complicit as well since she’s aware of Wilbur’s alcohol problem but apparently included that as one of endearing quirks. It’s past time to wrench “Ask Wendy” away from both Wilbur and Mary and give it to someone sensible: the cat. “Meow?”

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, during the ride home in Zak's car:

"Uh, Iris, what was THAT?"

"Wilbur's a mess. I don't wanna talk about it."

"And you used to date this guy?"

"Yes, but then he dumped me."

"HE dumped YOU???"

"I said, I don't wanna talk about it."

"You know, Iris, tonight has been very instructive. I think you and I ought to take a break."

-- S. McW.

LouiseF said...

I had to look up Gary Keller, because his name sounds so innocuous he could have been the spit-ball throwing kid who sat behind me in fifth grade. Moy's quotation of him makes him sound even more inspid. Turns out he is the "Keller" of Keller-Williams real estate, so, of course, he knows more than any of us. Another of his quotations, "Work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back.", spoken by someone who is clearly NOT in danger of losing said work, but perhaps advice that Wilbur seems to live by, considering his lack of attention to "Ask Wendy".

lmjb1964 said...

My post at 2:08 yesterday should have said, "Every time I see those frames with Wilbur in the rain, I scratch my head a little bit. " This is what happens when I try to post from my phone.

Scottie McW, hilarious dialogue. I'm trying to read Mary's expression in the second panel. She has this little smile on her face which doesn't to match what she's hearing from Estelle. She looks kind of smug, like, "I just love hearing about all of your miserable dates."

mr_darcy said...

I hoped today's recap would have Mary repeat that she knew Wilbur had a drinking problem, then show Estelle react. Instead Estelle goes into more detail about Wilbur but omits that he is insanely jealous of Iris' new boyfriend. Does Estelle not even realize this? Wilbur couldn't have made it more obvious if he had spilled a drink on Iris' blouse and tried to wipe it off. Oh, wait....

Tim said...

That's one of my problems with this storyline. The fact Wilbur is obviously obsessed with Iris and insanely jealous of Zak makes it clear Wilbur needs to be hurled under the bus.
And what's this nonsense about taking a break from a relationship that has barely started with a man who is an insanely insensitive drunk? A break, really?
And why isn't being brutally honest with Wilbur being raised as an option?

MDMaryTed said...

Wait, so based on today's panel, Wilbur, will finally let Iris go because, ahem, her pants don't fit any more? Or will Dawn end up with a new mother and a sister/brother that she will have to take care of when Wilbur goes off on one of his travels? If that results in Dawn permanently moving to Paris, I'm all for it.