Friday, January 3, 2020

Mary Worth 3261

This is really groundbreaking science in the Worthiverse. Iris is actually aging! No one does that. She's like the Benjamin Button of Mary Worth.

By the way, Mary. Iris is vulnerable TO Aging. She can be vulnerable WITH Zak. It's not like he's trying to beat her up or something.


Anonymous said...

I guess if you're a people in the Worthiverse you don't have to worry much about aging. But it's a different story if you're a dog. Hard-hearted Moy made pretty short work of poor old Bella.


Nance said...

Today's Boldface Haiku is titled

"In Which We Learn That It's Better To Come Clean About Getting Old".

Love. Problems!
Requires vulnerable.
Trust vulnerable.
Afraid aging issues

Michael Beaumier said...

Iris’ aging issues are getting worse? Is she somehow aging even faster now? Or is she aging for everyone else in the Worthiverse, too?

KitKat said...

Earth to Iris: Zak is aging too. Every living thing is aging. If you prefer the alternative, are you planning to take a header off Lookout Point?

It’s only January 3 but already time for a perpetual rant at Karen May: Why is every woman in the Worthiverse such an idiot and so desperate to find/hang on to a man? Instead of blathering about trust and vulnerability, why doesn’t Mary suggest Iris (1) see another physician, (2) start eating better and become more physically active, and (3) develop some new interests independent of Zak? Oh wait, now I remember: Mary’s the only woman who doesn’t need a man (other than keeping Jeff on a shelf and dusting him off for an occasional cruise and Bum Boat visit), has stopped aging (at a winsome 137 or so), and is always ready to Put the Pedal to the Meddle.

Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

@KitKat, my thoughts exactly. Why is KM so against saying the word "menopause"? (if that's what Iris has, but we don't really know because Dr. Dismissal gave her a cursory glance and said "That's it! You're aging!" and charged Iris' Blue Cross Blue Shield 200.00 for this statement.) All the women in MW are blithering idiots. case in point: Estelle, who takes back Wilbur even though he humiliated her in a restaurant and woke up all the neighbors with his boombox; Toby, who ran away from Ian to of all paces, Mary's apartment when Ian was have a bromance with Hilton Berkes; Hanna Dingdon, blind as a bat, taking care of her "Benjamin Button" grandson and had a daughter who may or may not have been a "lady of the evening" and now Iris, who's "aging" faster than the painting in Dorian Gray's closet and doesn't want to burden Zak. KM, please get out into the real world because women don't act like these idiots.

mr_darcy said...

Iris is aging because she is actually passing her college classes. If she retook the same intro courses year after year like Dawn, she would be the same age as her son.

Anonymous said...

Good grief, lady, stop the ridiculous navel-gazing and get over yourself.

"Oh boo-hoo, Mary, I'm afraid Zak will leave me so I left him. Or something. I don't know."

2020 is off to a great start, eh gang?

And by "great" I mean, of course, "greatly annoying."

-- Scottie McW.

Tim said...

Are we to believe Zak and Iris have never discussed the implications of the fact she's 20 years older than he is? That's ridiculous.
Mary's reference to how rare true love is was also ridiculous. Despite the divorce statistics lots of people form lifelong, caring, relationships. Maybe they have a different notion about love than Meddlesome Mary.

LouiseF said...

Thank you, KitKat for the reality check. And by the way, it's 2020 now, so Happy New Year!

KitKat said...

The only worry Iris has regarding her “health issues” is how Zak might react to them. AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!!!

If there was a Worthy Awards category for “character you’d most like to shake some sense into,” Iris would win hands down. And then she’d worry about Zak’s reaction....

Tim said...

How long before Iris is older than Mary?

LouiseF said...

This "Zak may see me as an ancient crone" plot was done already. When will this poor woman shake the serious indoctrination she must have experienced in her childhood? Bet her mom told her that getting her period meant "falling off the roof". I suggest Iris check out the blog where Barbara Younger explores the ups and downs of menopause.

Yahoonski said...

KitKat: Surely you'd like to shake some sense into Estelle as well? Maybe we could rig up some sort of harness that would allow for simultaneous shaking of them both.

I just had a horrible thought. If Iris continues to push Zak away, maybe he'll wind up with...gasp...DAWN!

LouiseF said...

Mary looks as if she's had enough in that last panel where she pats Iris on the shoulder. "There, there, dear", as in "stay THERE, dear". Some friend.

KitKat said...

@Yahoonski, the possibility of Zak meeting Dawn crossed my mind, too. Egad, just the thought of it makes my blood run cold.

Every woman in the Worthiverse needs to have sense shaken into them, including “Stop asking Mary for advice! She’s a cruel woman who enjoys manipulating you dummies.”

Chester the Dog said...

Iris and Estelle need to sit down, crack open a bottle of Ensure and watch The Talk, or The View (they don't have jobs or a college to attend?)