Sunday, June 7, 2020

Mary Worth 3387

Elon Musk also said this: "Order a Tesla online in 2 mins at"

I don't know much about him, but I think I admire his persistence.


Anonymous said...

"Uncle Saul, I think I just had my first p..."


-- Scottie McW.

tkraft said...

Is this the same irascible Saul that took weeks upon weeks not long ago to be convinced to get a dog from the pound? Wait, make that just VISIT the pound? We're supposed to believe he'll cave in on this issue in one phone call?! Whoa!

KitKat said...

I am proud indeed, Wanders, to be part of this singular community.

“I adored my late cousin. I just wish I could remember her name.”

Lyle’s emphasis of “temporarily” is a RED FLAG, Saul. He’s really going to Colombia to rendezvous with his special friend Fabiana. You’d better start a college fund for Madi because you’re going to need it.

mr_darcy said...

Really, Lyle? You're trying to guilt-trip someone named Saul? My people invented guilt!

LouiseF said...

Hmmm.. Take on the production of a vehicle that could radically alter the effects of climate change vs pawn your daughter off for the summer on an old man you barely know. NOT an analogous situation. Be so clueless you can't calculate the effect of moving your grieving teen age (god help us) daughter away from her friends, thousands of miles away to a distant relative she doesn't even remember meeting. I predict dad's plane goes down in the mountains over Bolivia, and Toby and Ian end up adopting Madi after Saul Wynter is reported to children's services for putting Nyquil in her hot chocolate. No wonder Madi is cursing...

Chester the Dog said...

Why are they afraid to name names? Maybe Lyle is a scammer and does NOT know the names of late cousin and late grandmother, just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Chester, my thoughts exactly. 'Lyle' calling up out of the blue sounds exactly like those 'hi, Grandma, I've been arrested in Bogota - can you wire me $5000?' phishing calls. Here the scam is to dump a 13 year old (nature's cruelest age) wherever he can. Ha! Ha! Better call Saul, indeed.

It's become kind of pointless to reiterate for the 7000th time that Moy seems to have zero reality contact (I actually typed content by mistake, and that would work too). What strikes me about this misbegotten plot direction is how creepy it is. I think it's quite un-family-friendly in 2020 to even consider building a story around sending a young adolescent to live with an old man who is a complete stranger, not only to her, but also, effectively, to the runaway, self-absorbed Lyle. This is a plotline from a 1950s movie, in which hurting young girl charms and softens the crusty old man with the hidden broken heart, both healing the other, in the happy end. BLecchhHH. (Moy: hint, there's a reason why those films don't get made any more. Hint: reality).

Unfortunately, I expect that Madi will be a worse caricature of a child than the banal zombie full grown hominids are of real adults. What would be really refreshing is if a few homilies from ole Mary-O at the pool party lead her to shove Mary into the pool.

Grumpier than usual Old Doc