Monday, July 20, 2020

Mary Worth 3419

You think??? She was only dumped off at an 80-year-old stranger's apartment at a retirement community for the entire summer by her dad after her Gram - the only person whom she enjoyed - died. She has no friends her own age, and there is a dog that she's afraid of in her bedroom chewing on her clothes. And apparently, no one can seem to figure out why she might be ANGRY!! Charterstone is full of dopes.


Nance said...

Today's Boldface Haiku is titled

"Shut Up, You Old Bat".

Good. Know.
Should? Leaving!

Anonymous said...

"I'm leaving after my father returns. Which will be in, like, three months, so why should I?"

"You seem very angry, Madi."

"What was your first clue, Sherlock? What are you, writin' a book? How about you mind your own business."

"I see. How would you like a dozen week-old muffins shoved up your . . . "

-- Scottie McW.

Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

Wow, thank you Captain Obvious. Mary is so busy spouting platitudes, she can't realize the kid is mad because she has to be with all of these old people for the entire summer. I'd be mad too if I had to deal with a platitude spouting old lady that thinks it'll take a few weeks to get over a beloved relative.

Myster Wynter and Greta are so relieved that they can dump Madi on Mary's doorstep that he can't get away fast enough. Madi, not so much. The only think I don't like about Madi is that phone. If it was me, I'd snatch it out of her hand. But if I had to look at Mary, I'd keep my nose in the phone too.

The guy in the pool can't swim away fast enough from this dreck.

Anonymous said...

I think Madi is horrid. In fact, why anyone would ever want to get a child is beyond me. Nasty little creatures. I've read that if they're cornered, they'll bite.


LouiseF said...

Mary's wearing a cute bathing suit for une femme d'une certain age. She's trying a little too hard to sell Madi on how colorful she is.

Anonymous said...

I pray to God that Mary won't try to give Madi "the Talk." But considering Mary's relationship with Dr. Jeff, and the non-existence of Slim Worth, what could she say?

KitKat said...

Nance, I laughed so hard when I read your BFH title, my ribs hurt.This title says it all! Hilarious comments by everyone today - KM is so inspiring.

Fashion notes: (1) Did Madi color her hair to match her swimsuit, or did she find a swimsuit to match her hair? Madi dear, you are venturing too close to overly matchy-matchy territory. (2) Mary's swimsuit incorporates two of her favorite colors: nausea-inducing purple and the orangey-brown of her hideous day lilies. You can't un-see something like that - ugh.

I'm hoping fervently that Toby shows up tomorrow, swigging from a bottle of Grey Goose.

lmjb1964 said...

Nance, hilarious. Any chance Madi will actually so that? It would be so wonderful.

Great comments from everyone. Regina Wolfe-Parks, you're right, it does look like Myster Wynter is making a quick getaway.

It's good to see the surly teen back. I was a little worried the last few days, after seeing how quickly Mary was able to break her down.

meg said...

Looks like Saul (a GOOD man) has on one of Ian’s old AstroTurf jackets. And is it just me, but is there something odd about the swimmer is panel 1? Looks like his arms are fingers.

Carlye said...

There are some whitecaps in that pool. Is that shadow a shark?

Chester the Dog said...

Isn't she leaving WHEN her father arrives?

LouiseF said...

Apparently M. Wanders is flabbergasted by Mary's ability to ignore everyone in Madi's rant except Greta. I suspect he is crafting his usual perfect response to crass cluelessness on the part of comic strip characters. Sheesh! You can tell Mary never had kids...

KitKat said...

“Madi, Greta never even KNEW her father, let alone her grandparents. And you think you’ve had it tough? Wake up and smell the muffins, girlie!”

Anonymous said...

If ever a situation called for a dozen Mary Muffins STAT!, this is it.

-- Scottie McW.