Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Mary Worth 3444


Benny's Cafe. Cleanest floors in California.


Nance said...

Today's Boldface Haiku is titled

"Talking Points For Benny's Cafe Interview".

Benny's Cafe. Dog-friendly!

LouiseF said...

Great stuff, M. Wanders and Nance! Looks like Saul is driving an American-made car. I would expect nothing less from him, although scoping out a "dog friendly cafe" is a pretty modern activity. Next he'll be taking Greta to "enrichment classes" for dogs, or training her to be a theray dog.

MDmaryTed said...

Doesn't Buick have that triple shield on their cars?

Anonymous said...

A guy who tools around in a high-end Buick can likely afford better places than Benny's Cafe. But since he's springing for Mary's lunch, he can use Greta as an excuse to take her out on the cheap.

-- Scottie McW.

Anonymous said...

Okay... I'm not so worried about the piddle puddles as I am about being seated next to the people who brought their two St. Bernards with them. How does it work if one of those doggies suddenly squeezes out a major loaf? Is it up to the diner to clean up after them or the wait staff? Seeing a waiter/waitress holding a tray with my food on it in one hand and a bag of steaming dog doo in the other hand is somewhat troubling to me.


KitKat said...

I wonder if Greta will sit on a chair of her own, or maybe on Saul’s lap. Woof!

Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

I'm just hoping Tommie isn't working there cleaning up behind the St. Bernards at Benny's, remember the bathroom disaster at Jerry's. I wonder if it was ever cleaned up.

I don't know about anyone else, but I get annoyed every time Greta says "Woof!" liken she understands exactly what these nitwits are saying. When I was a kid I used to get just as annoyed when Sandy said "ARF!" at everything Little Orphan Annie said.

MissScarlet said...

Most of the dog friendly cafés I've been in, the dogs behaved much better than many of the human patrons.

meg said...

Miss Scarlett-

Maybe that’s because none of the dogs were drunk?

LouiseF said...

These have to have been the FUNNIEST comments of the year! Thanks everyone for giving me a mid-afternooon belly laugh!