Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Mary Worth 3452

"Well, Lyle, I can tell you what I didn't do. I didn't abandon her for three months at the old folks home. That was all you, buddy."


Nance said...

Today's Boldface Haiku is titled

"What Everyone Says When The Magician Appears On TV".

Effect know!

Regina Wolfe-Parks said...

LOL another home run, Nance.

My thought was when I saw the strip is !) Madi is going to grab Greta and yell at her old man "Dad, hurry up, get in the car, we're swiping the mutt!" My other thought was "are they still saying goodbye?" The goodbyes will go on for the rest of the week. Coming up next week: Mary and Toby gossiping about how Mary transformed Madi.

Toots McGee said...

“I can’t take any credit. It’s all due to Mary Worth, the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.”

Gina said...


Niiice. ;-)

KitKat said...

Greta's size is flexible. Today she looks to be about the size of a medium cat. And does Saul wear the same clothes 24/7, or does he have a closet filled with green jackets, white shirts, and yellow polka-dot bow ties (for both him and Greta)?

Madi and Greta could catch up regularly via Zoom but Saul can't figure out how to download the app to his VCR.

LouiseF said...

Thought bubble unreported by Lyle, "Darn! Now Madi will be squawking to get a dog since her iguana died the same day Gram did. I thought we were done with pets!"

Anonymous said...

Wanders, you are en fuego this week!

Saul, it's not just Greta. ALL dogs go to heaven.

-- Scottie McW.

katyb said...

It's really too bad about the ridiculous banana bread detour, which clearly was meant to provide the usual "All praise to Mary, her meddling and her stupid platitudes." Girls with dogs have been the subject of a lot of great art, so clearly that story line could have stood very well on its own. .

Here's a link to on art site among many.

meg said...

What a wretched dog the late Bella was! She was with Saul her entire life, and he was a grumpy old coot when she died. After a year with Greta, he’s a sweet old softie.