Friday, October 30, 2020

Mary Worth 3489

Oh, NOW he remembers her name.


Nance said...

Today's Boldface Haiku is titled

"Overheard Behind The Amish Barn/Contemplations On Rumspringa".

Old ways. Help!
No! Leave!

Anonymous said...

Brandy should have picked up a hearing aid while she was at the pharmacy.


KitKat said...

“Clean up needed in Aisle 2 - wet floor from weeping!”

Nance, let’s imagine Weird Al’s “Amish Paradise” in the background to underscore your BFH, tee hee.

Why do couples in the Worthiverse “take a break” instead of breaking up?

Anonymous said...

Good thing they are not married. Imagine how they would handle a major appliance needing to be replaced AND having to pay the mortgage the same week? Talk about a bumpy road to love!

Anonymous said...

Jeez, Babe's being pretty irrational, even for a Worthiverse character.

Cut your losses, Tommy. Yeah, it'll hurt for a while -- maybe a long while -- but if she's this hysterical over something that didn't happen and she won't even listen, then you're better off. Imagine enduring a lifetime of being accused of phantom sins.

I suggest you start with, "Your loss, toots." Yeah, it's not much of a loss, but you might salvage your dignity, such as it is.

-- Scottie McW.

Chester the Dog said...

If Brandy is this upset about a minor thing, imagine what she will be like when they are kicked out of their apartment, and she is pregnant.

Anonymous said...

I smell a rat. Wasn’t Brandy already giving Tommy the cold shoulder before this whole Vin / Tommy encounter? “Not tonight, Tommy, I’ve got a headache.” “I need to sort my thoughts.” I still think there is a former ‘boyfriend showing up’ thing going on. Thus her second thoughts about marrying Tommy, the guy who, a couple of weeks ago, she was so madly in love with. So… Brandy lives in a crappy part of town. She knows Vin; for crying out loud, she passes by the alley he hangs out in every day on her way to work. I think she set Tommy up! “Vin, here’s the $40 I lifted from Freda’s yesterday. Tommy should be passing by here tonight. Pick up a couple of 8-balls. I know he’ll cave. Help me out, man, and I promise you I’ll drop off all the day old donuts you can eat for the rest of your life.”


Erica Fauz said...

Keep it up so i need mo comics like this

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