Friday, November 27, 2020

Mary Worth 3508

I think we could say the same thing to June Brigman, "Fantastic job! The display looks great." I love how the bottles gently cant twoard the star, drawing the eye upward and guiding us from the east to buy very expensive imported olive oil. I'm sure that leaning the bottles on edge like that strengthens the display and will help support it if someone accidentally bangs into it, seeing how its placed in the center of an aisle near the registers.


Anonymous said...

Impressed with Tommy's display, Brandy suddenly thinks, "You know, I think he's marriage material after all!"

-- Scottie McW.

Anonymous said...

Could it be that Brandy shared her suspicions about Tommy with “Boss” and he devised his own secret drug test? It would take a mighty steady (sober) hand to stack those bottles like that! I know I couldn’t do it.


fauxprof said...

From the Santa Royale Penny Saver Shopper Weekly, Friday November 27, 2020:

In a Black Friday near tragedy, an unattended toddler stumbled into a poorly constructed display of imported olive oil at Freda’s Semi-Fine Foods. A quick thinking stock boy, Thomas “Tommy” Beedie snatched the child out of harm’s way, but took the brunt of the cascading, heavy bottles of Icelandic Olive Oil. As rescue workers extracted Beedie, the store manager explained to your correspondent, “It was his own stupid fault. He did a lousy job putting that display up. I mean, who leans bottles at an angle like that!” Beedie was heard repeating “No opiates, no opiates. Just Tylenol and Icy Hot,” as he was loaded into the ambulance. The young woman at the register commented “I’ll believe that when I see it.”

W. Weston

KitKat said...

Overcome by Tommy's display-creation prowess and the glimpse of his biceps, Brandy vaults over the counter and bear-hugs Tommy. In the process she knocks The Boss from his feet, and he falls into the display, which collapses. Brandy is fired on the spot and must relinquish her apron immediately.

Downpuppy said...

I think it's supposed to suggest a Christmas tree.
Close. It looks like a motor oil display at a Texaco in 1974.

Yahoonski said...

Wanders & Fauxprof: instead of olive oil, because of the big red star atop this Xmas tree-like structure, I was thinking Russian or maybe North Korean vodka. Maybe Toby could tell us.

Yahoonski said...

By the way, today's dialog is spectacularly bland. I doubt if any impressive display completion in history has ever been toasted with such banal banter.

Martin said...

OMG all of your comments are hilarious! I found myself laughing out loud, prompting a questioning look from my significant other. He wouldn't get it, so I didn't bother explaining.

If Brandy takes Tommy back based on his precarious display of glass bottles, I'm giving up on this strip.

meg said...

Brandy: Wow! Look at Babe go! Daddy Brandy would be lying at the bottom of a pile of broken olive oil bottles! Ergo, Tommy must have gone straight for real!

Anonymous said...

I have lived my entire life hoping that one day, I could be ... maybe would be... a successful stock boy... I've practiced for the last 30 years... Lincoln Logs, Legos, Jenga, dominoes, houses made of cards... failure after failure... And now to see Tommy successfully creating this new display in less than a day... Good-bye cruel world. I am going to drown my pain tonight by drinking a gallon of cheap olive oil...

Tim said...

I just realized Boss is so excited about the quality of Tommy's work that he wet himself. He should have worn dark blue.