Sunday, December 6, 2020

Mary Worth 3515

Symmetrical bottle stacking... just like the Philadelphia mass turbulence of 1947.


Steve said...

This looks like the wrap up, for now. Let's hope our long national Tommy - Brandy nightmare is over. Praying that a new arc will start tomorrow. I would like to see either Iris, Ian or Mr. Allora

KitKat said...

Hey Tommy, that’s an overly sweeping statement about addicts! Some of them might be very good at bizarre display construction and/or shelf stocking. You might consider broadening your contact base.

Maybe it’s my newspaper today, but Brandy’s skin tone has changed back to what it was when Tommy first met her.

meg said...

Steve@12:18 — Don’t tell anyone, but the next storyline involves a quarrel between Mr. Allora and Ian Cameron which escalates into a total brawl. One of the men administers a total beat down of the other, and Iris has to break it up. Stay tuned to find out who beat whom and why,

Anonymous said...

Nice Ghostbusters references, Wanders!

Anonymous said...

Don't be too sure, Steve. We haven't yet seen the part where Mary takes all the credit for getting these two love-babes back together. Maybe Tommy will be so grateful that he'll show up at Mary's apartment with a bag of dented cans, day old bread, and a package of hot dogs that expired last month.


KitKat said...

HelenClark, don’t forget the can of Ocean Spray cranberry sauce that expired a year ago. That actually happened at Thanksgiving in our family years ago. My mother hosted dinner, and she was fit to be tied when my husband saw the date on the can and mentioned it. Mom was angry with him for the rest of the day. Of course, that became family lore.

Anonymous said...

KitKat - I think your mom probably knew that Ocean Spray cranberry sauce is akin to cockroaches. They both last forever.


Steve said...

Kit Kat: You are correct that Brandy's skin tone keeps changing. Is she supposed to be African American, Latino, or just some one who enjoys the California sun? Any option is fine with me.