Friday, May 14, 2021

Mary Worth 3641

Underneath my good looks, brains, and trust fund, I'm just an average guy. I'm also almost 40 and still live with my dad.


Yahoonski said...

I was thinking this relationship could never succeed, because Drew apparently bolts his food while Ashlee thoroughly chews every bite of hers. But hey, the Sprats made their differences work.

KitKat said...

Ashlee, being a doctor and a photographer are two things, not “several.” Maybe you need to layer on the “amazing” baloney even more by praising Drew’s sartorial elegance.

Note to the amazing Drew: My mother would tell you, “Elbows off the table! You weren’t born in a horses’ stable!”

Nance said...

Today's Boldface Haiku is titled

"WWBHD: What Would Bella Hadid Do?!".

Modeling career!

Anonymous said...

Wanders, you are hilarious today!

If Ashlee is implying that she is good at waitressing and modeling, she is bringing new meaning to the word "good."

On Monday, we saw the Giant Looming Pizza in the window. Then it disappeared all week until today. It must have been off on important pizza business.

Also, these two seem to be switching tables. On Wednesday, Ashlee was sitting right next to the door. Now there's someone sitting behind her.

-- Scottie McW.

Anonymous said...

Regarding your secret message, Wanders, if I didn't think she was too clueless to do so, I'd swear KM was trying to bait us. Not to worry though, at least about your regulars posting raunchy comments. Those of us who've been hanging out here long enough can just read each others minds.


Michael Beaumier said...

A waitressing job in Santa Royale is not simply “lost” — we all know this. It’s an honor, and one Ashlee is simply not prepared for.

He could just take her picture — from right across the table — and this would all be over. Just take her picture.

hmmm said...

Michael (and others who have wondered why Drew isn’t just taking Ashlee’s photo now) you apparently don’t wear makeup. Once one’s mascara has run down one’s face in rivulets, one is not fit to be photographed!

Yahoonski said...

That is one modest pizza claiming to be just average underneath all that mozzarella, pepperoni, and green things.

KitKat said...


Dew and Ashlee must be crouching over the table to closely gaze into each other’s AMAZING eyes.

Is waiting on tables in the hospital cafeteria part of Mary’s volunteer duties? How’d you like to have her serve you a five-ounce cup of stale, tepid coffee? I have a bad feeling about Mary! The only thing more dismal than her Two Shades of Purple ensemble is that horrible picture. Could it be a Toby Cameron original?

Tim said...

The thing about a good waitress is they not only know how to make handsome young doctors feel good, they also know how to make balding baby boomers and young families feel good.

Anonymous said...

You can stop groveling any day now, Drewie. The heat's off. She's back to doting smarminess.

Meanwhile, panel 2 is priceless, particularly the quotes around friend. It's on!

-- S. McW.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Mary. Why don’t you dig around in your book cart? I think you’ll find an old copy of “Zen and the Art of Meddling Maintenance: The Philosophy of Minding Your Own Damn Business”


hmmm said...

SATURDAY - KitKat, those four cups of coffee are all for Mary. She needs that much caffeine after staying up all night planning her meddle.

Chester the Dog said...

As the drinks on Mary's tray start to boil...Mary has a bad feeling and is ready to rock!

meg said...

Bad feelings make Mary feel good! Telling Jeff bad news, responding to his plea for advice, telling Toby what’s happening, nodding knowingly but silently when other volunteers comment on the ‘incident’, pursing her lips while glaring at Drew—- it’s ALL GOOD!

MissScarlet said...

Oh it’s happening! I’m so excited. Mary has a bad feeling. Can the ‘tasking’ be far behind? Soon we’ll see Jeff having a man-to-sorta-man talk with Drew (after Mary coaches him, of course). I, for one, couldn’t be happier.