Sunday, May 23, 2021

Mary Worth 3647

Oh... it's all about opposites attract. Gotcha. Who do these two think Drew is? As long as I can remember, Drew has been an obnoxious, self-centered womanizer. Not some choirboy. Yes, he's always lived with his dad. But Old Drew was always a cad. And I liked him better than New Drew.


Anonymous said...

You start to suspect you’re old when the idea of making out in the front seat of a car doesn’t look even the least bit appealing. You know you’re old when you realize that people probably don’t still refer to this activity as “making out.” In any case, this “activity” looks very uncomfortable. Drew will have to change the name of his car from Audi to Owie.


Yahoonski said...

Dr. Drew better not try to test Ashley's reflexes by hitting her knee with that little hammer or he'll get kicked right in his untapped parts.

Thunderheels said...

To Helen Clark:
You know you are old when you remember there used to be enough room in a back seat to make out, unlike the cars made today.
Or maybe I am just old?
By the way, a few years ago I found out from my students there is a whole new meaning to "necking".

Anonymous said...

Thunderheels - Those were good times, for sure! BTW, I googled the urban dictionary to find out the new meaning of necking and came up empty. hmmmm

Yahoonski - I love that image! Too funny!


Anonymous said...

Jeez, these two started making out in the pizza parlor parking lot like a couple of 17-year-olds right after lunch, and they're still going at it in the dark! Highly unlikely that this hasn't, shall we say, progressed by now.

Apparently Drew never went back to work. So much for letting the doctor in him affect everything.

-- Scottie McW.

KitKat said...

Some time between the end of dinner and the boardwalk stroll, Mary managed to apply a blue rinse to her hair.

Depending on what develops between Drew and Ashlee and how quickly (pick up the pace, you two), there might be time for Drew to give Jeff big news on Father’s Day: “Congrats, Dad, you’re going to become a grandfather!”

hmmm said...

Scottie McW - I think we’re supposed to assume this is at some later date. Ashlee was wearing some kind of teal colored dress when she dragged Drew away from his Dr duties. Or maybe things DID progress and she had her Daisy Dukes in her handbag?

MissScarlet said...

Did Ashlee change her clothes? Didn't they go to pizza after the hospital breakdown? She was wearing a red dress then. Maybe this happened at the diner when they first met but we're just seeing it now. Whew!

Jerry Smith said...

Drew: "See you tomorrow, Trash--uh, I mean Ashlee. Hey, do you have any cortisone cream I can borrow? I seem to have developed an itch somehow ... "

Anonymous said...


I'm beginning to doubt Ashlee's housekeeping skills.

-- S. McW.

KitKat said...

I hope KM isn’t setting up Ashlee as a trailer-trash slob who’s trying to entrap an unsuspecting Drew. It would be more nuanced if Ashlee was an unsophisticated young woman from the other side of the tracks with big dreams but few resources. That would make it harder for Mary to triumph in her meddling. I realize KM is incapable of nuance, and Mary will undoubtedly save the day by exposing Ashlee as a schemer who deserves to be exposed and sent packing. Perpetual adolescent Drew will be rescued by the always-right, smug Mary. Yuck.

LouiseF said...

Ashlee's environment, complete with crushed mini blinds, duct tape on the wall, and crumbling lathe that looks left over from 1892 make her look like the female version of Arthu/er, the romance scammer. Poor lambie-pie Drew! He's heading into it. Betting Ashlee doesn't invite him over for dinner.. Ditto on that yuck, KitKat. My fantasy is that Ashlee reveals a lifetime of abuse and a declaration that she dreams of improving. Drew helps her get her high school diploma by signing her up for a program at Santa Royale Community College. She gets a job as a cashier at FoodTeam and is inspired further by Tommy Beedie. Just needing a rose-colored view of the world today..

Michael Beaumier said...

Trashlee’s life is clearly made up of all the profanities that Wanders won’t let us use here.

Broken window blinds, rotten wood door jams, a bare midriff — is that duct tape on the wall? What is that duct tape doing on the wall?

Anonymous said...


When Drew and Ashlee first discussed doing a photo shoot, I believe the potential locations from which she'd emerge were a forest, a meadow, or a waterfall. Based on her outfit today, looks like they decided on Walmart.

I may be wrong, but I think the duct tape next to Ashlee's elbow is supposed to be mending some piece of upholstered furniture.


Chester the Dog said...

Drew, she said your last name, you have to say hers...if you even know it.

Imogene said...

As interesting as Ashlee's trailer decor is, I'm disappointed by the change of focus. I was looking forward to seeing more of Mary explaining to Jeff what love is.
Was taking notes and everything.

doug said...

Why am I not surprised in the least that Ashley lives in a run down hovel? We get it Karen Moy, Ashley is despicable.

tkraft said...

Tomorrow,or soon, I predict Ashlee's "hubs-bin" (Ricky Bobby? Bobby Ricky?) or one or more of her charming offspring rapscallions will make their appearance. Can't wait to see those sweeties. I'm hoping for a dinner table scene straight out of 'Talladega Nights'.