Friday, June 18, 2021

Mary Worth 3665

"... She's not like that with me. She found my watch!"


KitKat said...

It’s touching that Shauna and Ashlee have maintained their friendship over the years.

I wonder if Shauna wore her hair in this Medusa style when she was ”with” Drew previously.

Bill the Butcher said...

"She plays a good con game! But I, I play a good pro game. If you know what I mean, and I think you do."

Bill the Butcher said...

"wonder if Shauna wore her hair in this Medusa style"

Now that you mentioned it I can't unsee it. How does she keep the ends of the hair tentacles suspended in mid air like that?

Sandi Ego said...

Just like a bad rash, you won't see it coming until you're scratching at it constantly and need an ointment. I think Shauna wants to be your ointment, Drew. Rashlee?

Anonymous said...

If Drew ignored all the red flags before, he's certainly not going to pay attention to Shauna's semaphore routine.

But I hope Shauna will stay in the picture for a while longer so we can see more of her interactions with @#$% Ashlee.

-- Scottie McW.

Vince said...

June does a good job of bringing our attention to the vacantness inside Drew's head.

Very clever, Sandi Ego.

Anonymous said...

Two vapid strumpets! I think I'm in love!

MissScarlet said...

According to today's Crankshaft strip (
two characters have been laid off from Mary Worth. Thank heavens it's not Shauna or Ashlee. Dawn anyone? What about Dr. Jeff's daughter? We haven't seen either of them in a while and I, for one, don't miss them at all.

tkraft said...

Great layoff nominees, MissScarlet. I propose Tommy and Iris Beedie be let go. And in the interest of payroll efficiency and moral enrichment, Drew will hook up with Brandy. She's such a fine girl! What a good wife she would be!

Anonymous said...

Dawn and Dr. Jeff's daughter are not "gone". They've been furloughed.

Garnet said...

How does someone that dim get into and graduate from medical school?