Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Mary Worth 3715

I hope Wilbur gives Estelle an ultimatum: It's Libby or me. I was wondering how these two were going to break up because clearly Estelle is willing to put up with a lot as long as Wilbur keeps feeding her.


Anonymous said...

"GRRR"?! Libby speaks canine too!

Estelle's refusal to set certain limits on her cat's behavior is making her less sympathetic, and by extension, making Wilbur comparatively less unsympathetic. (No cats at the dinner table is an immutable rule at Chez McW.) I don't like where this is going.

-- Scottie McW.

Anonymous said...

BTW, no one in their right mind would eat mashed potatoes without gravy (and so far, none has).

-- S. McW.

Downpuppy said...

How did that box fit in one of yesterday's bags?

Darth Curt said...

The look on Estelle's face as she stares right into camera is just magnificent. It is one of "I will pretend nothing is happening, but I really can't wait to see what happens next!"

KitKat said...

I can’t get beyond that messy green “slaw” and the framed picture on the wall, both of which make me woozy. Ugh….

Toots McGee said...

I also question the box of ribs. Does Woody’s put their carry out ribs in a pizza box and then fold the greasy box into a paper sack? C’mon Woody, that’s wrong.

Okay Libby, let’s see what you got!

Chester the Dog said...

Estelle is really chowing down that free food.

Anonymous said...

As a vegetarian, I’m probably not qualified to comment on June’s depiction of BBQ’d ribs. But I have to say that those brown things look a lot more like a Libby by-product than a pork by-product.


Jerry Smith said...

Wilbur looks like he's one step away from backhanding both Libby and Estelle. Was he always this much of a temperamental, pathetic d---? (Yes, I didn't want to spell out d-i-v-a)

LouiseF said...

The honeymoon is definitely over for these two. Estelle isn't even waiting for Wilbur to return to the table before eating, let alone shoo Libby off his chair. I hope that's diet soda in that glass Wilbur is carrying, although he was a lot nicer when he was drinking...

Lord Flatulence said...

Shoo Cat! Hiss!
Shoo Cat! Hiss!
That's my chair!
That's my chair!

Anonymous said...

By the look on Estelle's face, I'm guessing that while Wilbur was in the kitchen pouring his Dr Pepper, she probably ran and grabbed Libby from the bedroom where she was sleeping peacefully and plopped her down on Wilbur's chair.


Garnet said...

I nominate the first panel here for "Panel of the Year." There's a lot going on. Wilbur is looking particularly porcine, Libby is eyeing his food, and Estelle is obviously set to enjoy the upcoming show. She certainly filled her wine glass all the way to the top.

Libby looks outright demonic in the second panel, but I guess being in Wilbur's presence will do that to you.

Sharon said...

Wednesday, August 25, 2021: Well, just who IS the boss in Estelle's condo?

Unknown said...

Recent headlines in the Santa Royale news:

Cat Attacks Local Man; Eats his Ribs

Gurning Gent Grosses Out One-Eyed Cat and Gal Pal

Potatoes Curdle; Cole Slaw Sours; So Does Relationship

Woman and Cat watch Hallmark Channel

Woman Still Trapped in Not a Robot Purgatory

Anonymous said...


Confucius say:

“Man who stick tongue out at angry cat soon sing with forked tongue.”


KitKat said...

“Unknown,” I knew you were @meg when I read those hilarious headlines! I wish we could bust you out of Not a Robot Purgatory. Alan Turing, you’re needed!

Why doesn’t Wilboor get a piano so Stell Honey can come to his place?

MissScarlet said...


I was thinking that Wilbur would be mute tomorrow (because the cat got his tongue),
but I like your idea better. Fingers crossed.

Gina said...

Wilbur being muted is the best idea I've heard in ages.