Monday, November 28, 2022

Mary Worth 4102

Wait! "Dear" is what Zak calls Iris. What is going on, Zak? Is Nan still making white rice and hamburger gravy for you on the side? Or could the author be purposely misleading us into doubting Zak's integrity and commitment? Which begs the question, can a red herring really build suspense, or is it just a prelude to inevitable disappointment?


KitKat said...

Wait, class is already over? What a brief cameo by Ian Cameron Ph.D yesterday. Iris was rhapsodizing about being engaged to the most wonderful man in the world throughout, and we didn’t see Chinbeard put her on the spot by calling on her.

We might get a glimmer about the identity of “dear” by Thursday. Stand by for more gushing by Iris before then.

Anonymous said...

For sure, you've called it, Wanders. We're being led to believe that Zak is speaking with Nan when it will turn out that he's called beloved Granny Zakis (she gave him his first Gameboy) to invite her to his wedding.


Ian Cameron, PhD said...

Zak is actually speaking with Alan Dershowitz. In keeping with his bizarre "My Nan" way of speaking, he's come to refer to Prof Dershowitz as "My Der".

MDMaryTed said...

It's Nan. And Nan will disapprove of the age difference between Zak and Iris. That will go on for about a month. Then Mary will intervene with muffins and Nan will accept the relationship and the wedding unfortunately, goes on.

Chester the Dog said...

If it is Nan, it is pretty creepy, dear.

meg said...

Ian Cameron, PhD:

‘My Der’! Wish he (or anyone else ridiculous and controversial) would make a cameo appearance in the strip. But,alas! This will be just one more episode in Disappointing Denouement Theater, where exciting expectations fail to materialize, and eager fans are left verklempt.

hmmm said...

Um, June? I don't think anyone wears actual headphones these days. Ever hear of ear buds?

Chester the Dog said...

She is wearing headphones to drown out Zak's silly conversation.

RogerBW said...

Points to Brigman for not simply recycling yesterday's office background.