Monday, December 5, 2022

Mary Worth 4109

They've only sucked the booze from the parasols' toothpicks and they're already drunker than Wilbur on a jealous rage.


Catt said...

Iris I think you should be less concerned about why he's attracted to you than how much he is still wildly attracted to the woman across the table he's about to canoodle with.
(also.... it is possible for men to be attracted to women for things other than the color of their hair)

RogerBW said...

Look on the bright side, at least he hasn't bought a major social media firm and turned it explicitly pro-fascist.

Anonymous said...

Iris? Iris who?

-- Scottie McW.

KitKat said...

Shall we take bets on whether Nan’s husband looks just like Zak?

Iris is getting a crash course in being a third wheel.

ratswan said...

are they eating poptarts ? plus theres a 100 to one chance they show a waiter or waitress taking there order unless its gina or shauna working there .

Garnet said...

Iris has a conundrum. Zak's cliffside can-can nearly killed them both and he didn't care, and now he's just ignoring her for his former babysitter at dinner. If she marries him, she'll be treated as a surrogate care-giver. Plus, this whole thing is creepy. He's a loose cannon.

But if she dumps him, who will subsidize her lifestyle? She'd have to go back to Wilbur. Or worse, get a job.

Anonymous said...

I want to know who contacted who (whom)? Have Zak and Nan been in touch over the years? How else would he know she was married and living on Hawaii? I noticed yesterday that she's not wearing a wedding ring. Maybe Nan called Zak after reading somewhere about his huge success in the gaming industry and she'll turn out to be a grifter. Finally, I really want to know why I'm trying to make sense of anything that happens in the Worthiverse.


Catt said...

Another question.... where is Zak's other hand?

LouiseF said...

Perhaps after they marry, Zak will start to refer to Iris as his "current babysitter".

Chester the Dog said...

Zak seems pretty immature.

Jerry Smith said...
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Surfeit of Muffins said...

Run, Iris, and don't stop until you're in the next county.

meg said...

Maybe Zak and “Nan” share a big secret. Like, WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED to Zak’s never-mentioned parents?

hmmm said...

@meg - Oh, wouldn't that be something! Fascinating! Interesting! Intriguing! Cool! But because that would never in a million years occur to KM, might as well forget about it, girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one to notice that Nan is not wearing her wedding ring? I wonder what will happen next?