Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Mary Worth 4124

Wait! You haven't called off the wedding yet? Those aren't jitters! Those are the screams of every rational cell in your brain warning you to get out of this relationship before you find yourself dropping your husband off at daycare on your way to school every morning.


KitKat said...

Considering that the planning for the “upcoming” wedding hasn’t even started, Nan will have plenty of time to find the perfect gown to confuse the other guests.

MDMaryTed said...

Mary, please talk Iris into getting married. The wedding reception will be epic. Zak and Iris will be talking baby talk, Estelle will show up with another Arthur she met online, Wilbur will drunkenly take over the microphone for karaoke. Dr. Drew will show up with Ashlee who fights Shauna who is working for the catering service, resulting in salmon canapes flying everywhere. Awesome!

Ian Cameron, PhD said...

Krass! Iris’ German 2 instructor at SRcC will be very impressed when reading today’s dialogue, umlauts and all. What’s worse, I’ve heard that Doppelgänger Nan has a Nahrungsmittelunverträglichkeit für white rice and hamburger gravy! But Irene, don’t let cold feet push you into a premature Unabhängigkeitserklärung when this could be the beginning of a beautiful Freundschaftsbeziehungen.


Anonymous said...

The wreaths in the window are a not-to-subtle reminder that Zak and… I wanna Irene? Anyway, they’re both zeroes.

MissScarlet said...

Yeah!!! Dr. Cameron!! That was fun. My tongue is now in knots, so I can't really laugh. But I'm chortling on the inside.