Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Mary Worth 4224

This goes against everything I know about adult cats and dogs. Everything the Humane Society counsels as well. But I guess Ed and 'Stell can move in together.


KitKat said...

Yes, Ed, everyone benefits from socializing. From now on, let all the animals at Animal Hospital run around together - such lovely fun! Also, get ready to meet Estelle’s former flame, Wilbur, any minute now. Estelle liked him because he made her laugh, so get ready for hijinks! It’s a good thing Estelle made a lot of food.

Anonymous said...

Good luck talking over dinner with three animals crawling all over the table, begging for food, and otherwise tearing up the place.

-- Scottie

Anonymous said...

Well, I do believe we have the winner of the "Most Asinine Panel of the Year" award.


ratswan said...

Can ed talk and chew at the same time that will impress estelle more then flowers .

Yahoonski said...

Let's talk over dinner. You're here now, and we're talking, but as soon as you've agreed to acquiesce to my plan, I'd prefer we both remain silent until we can really converse in a deeper and more meaningful way over the steaming salmon squares that my friend Mary Worth sent over.

Anonymous said...

Odin is about to sink his claws into Pierre's hindquarters. This will provide much entertainment for Ed and Stell, as they chew on their Mrs. Paul's.

Jerry Smith said...

Panel one ... would not happen. Are we stretching the plotline into complete fantasy now?

Also, I love panel two: "How DARE you speak to me, moron! I'm MAKING DINNER! We'll chat later, when I'm damn good and ready!"

Garnet said...

I'm pretty sure Libby is some sort of cat bot.

Dave Mac said...

Tomorrow's strip, the dog and the lisping cat from Mutts join the fun. Stelle sends them all to the Salty Snax Deli for more food.

What's really needed here is to have Moe from the Three Stooges show up and bang those two idiots' heads together to knock some sense into them.