Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Mary Worth 262

C'mon, Mary, take responsibility. I love how she uses the passive voice: "Mistakes were made." In other words, "You made mistakes, but I'm too kind to blame you directly, my puppet." Never has she suggested that she yearned for the handsome town councilman who tried to beat up his brother in the hospital parking lot, or that perhaps canceling dates with Jeff to console Ron over intimate dinners at romantic restaurants might cross some kind of boundary. No, Mary's her own woman and they have agreed that she need never change; it is Jeff who needs to shut up and accept it.

But the important thing is that Mary has forgiven him because she is such a good person.

Today's Full Strip


Anonymous said...

Didn't we get the Happy Ending several days ago? This being the case, shouldn't this story just go away or do we need to ignore it until it gives up and wanders off? (no pun intended)

On a positive note I love the new banner, particularly when I imagine Giant Chester biting Mary's head off and chewing it.

esme said...

This "kiss and make up" bit has been going on so long, I'm starting to hold out hope that we've entered a new storyline featuring a horrific boat crash. (Lack of transitional pool party notwithstanding. I'm desperate for meaning!)

Anonymous said...

Her neckerchief must be really annoying when worn on the boat, with the pointy ends constantly blowing up into her face. They are outdoors, right?

Miss Emish said...

they both look so desperately...well, desperate. It's as if in one brief moment they both realize perhaps their entire life is composed of mistake after mistake. Luckily for them it is a brief moment.

Otismaximus said...

check out Mary's death grip. looks like she's crushin' doc jeffs left shoulder.

Miss Emish said...

given the perspective, it looks more like claw hand from gil thorp has infiltrated the Worth-verse.

Otismaximus said...

Marree... you're hurting mee.

Anonymous said...

Jeff pleads for his life.

Mary shows crocodile tears thinking, "I'm going to miss you, Jeff!" before she shoves him over the side.

JLH said...

Oh my goodness! I got home early this evening after driving the second half of the 900 miles home from Away, ripped open my Living section to the comics page (well, after wrestling it from under the cat lying possessively on my lap), and saw this stunning episode. This is the apotheosis of aphorism or the Final Cliche (imagine the little thingy over the "e"), and certainly a golden shining end to an episode. As for the clichay, either Mary's totally on the Dark Side, or Moy and Giella know they have us in their sardonic grips. Do you suppose they lurk here, and go "heh, heh" from time to time, predicting our snarky reactions and trying to send us over the brink? As for the plot, clearly this is meant to signal a halcyon interlude of renewed love and peace for M and J; the next storyline will surely involve some completely independent but oh-so-needy Others.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm...a few of you have sort of collectively raised this point but to summarise: do we ever see a long-shot when Mary and Jeff are yachting or is it possible they are in the pool at Cherterstone?