Sunday, November 2, 2008

Mary Worth 359

Or, Mary, perhaps Lynn just doesn't enjoy meeting you! I think that's a much more logical explanation. After all, Frank has been coaching her to win the ice skating game her entire life. She's a champion driven to succeed. She doesn't have time to let some stranger meddle in her life. She may be my favorite Mary Worth character ever - the first one with any common sense.

Today's Full Strip


Anonymous said...

What are the odds of seeing an interesting plot twist? I would so cnjoy seeing a steamy affair develop between Frank and Mary resulting in her finally and forever ditching dependable jeff. But, alas, I am quite certain that it will simply be the overbearing father/coach learning the error of his ways from the ever wise Mary. "Cliche" is the only word that comes to mind. Although I must admit to being gratified that Lynn wants nothing to do with Mary. Per haps it has something to do with Frank's attitude toward the deceased mother: Mary:"I'm so sorry to hear that your wife is deceased."
Frank: "Don't be."

Otismaximus said...

I agree anon. What a strange response. Maybe the thought balloon behind his head should have read: She never let me dominate and control my daughter's every move so I could mold her into the skater I never could be and that I eat my heart out every day of my miserable life thinking about.

Anonymous said...

Love the over-the-top fist Frank is making in that panel. "I'm the expert, see? And these are my five advisers, see? Thumbs, Pointer, Cussy, Ringer and Pinky! Skate like I tells ya or it's yer face, kid!"

Oh, you're about to reap the whirlwind, Frank-o. The mentholated-hard-candy scented whirlwind. MARY'S COMIN'!

Robert said...

It's obvious that Mary is going to eventually resort to a "Tonya Harding" and bop Frank on the knee to get him to realize how much he's hurting his daughter by browbeating her.

Ethel Mertz said...
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Anonymous said...

' old friend of your father's'?!.. Hahaha, stupid Mary and her stupid grammar!

Anonymous said...

The fist seems to be directed more in Mary's direction, as well it should be.