Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Mary Worth 387

Like Mary, I'm on the edge of my seat. This is what we in the writing biz call a cliff hanger. It's a cliff hanger because back in the olden days, when a serial story took a break and wanted to entice readers back, they would leave the hero in a precarious situation, like hanging off a cliff, so that readers would buy next month's magazine to see what would happen. Thank heaven this isn't the olden days, or I might not be able to handle the excitement.

Today's Full Strip.


Otismaximus said...

Can this dialog be any more stilted? NO IT CAN NOT!

Robert said...

Mary would deserve it if Lynn suddenly tried selling her Amway or Tupperware after Mary's excited response, "I want to know more!" (Well, we wouldn't deserve it, but then, this strip never delivers what WE deserve!)

minifigs said...

Look at all those happy, carefree people wandering around the hospital.

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if the bolded words are supposed to provide some sort of secret message. Let's see...fresh air and explain more...


...Nope, I'm not getting anything. Maybe we just need a few thousand more words to work out the message. Or maybe I need to go back an eon or two to the start of this storyline to get all the bolded words.

Nope, not gonna do it.


Anonymous said...

The man in the green shirt is sporting a trendy new look. The one-sleeve-over-the-shoulder-jacket.

Anonymous said...

Yes, this is Moy's feeble attempt at a cliff hanger. Unfortuntely, she apparently doesn't comprehend that the audience must care about the characters in order for a cliff hanger to work. The only one who looks like she's going to pee her pants unless she finds out Lynn's secret is Mary. As for me, I'm just enjoying the many ways that Moy expresses Mary's pathological need to know.