Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Keep Mary in Atlanta Where She Belongs

Faithful reader Brian just sent this note:

Atlanta paper ...Atlanta Journal Coustitution is thinking of canceling Mary Worth! Please vote to Keep Mary in our paper.

The survey asks for an Atlanta zip code with your vote... 30333, or 30004, or 30022 are local...

Thanks for your help

Please go to

If ever there was a time to exercise your freedom to vote, this would be it! (By the way, two browsers equals two votes. Hint. Hint.)


Miss Emish said...

I did my civic duty and voted for Mary Worth!

Jessica said...

The hard part was deciding on a second comic to vote for. I went with Cathy. ACK!

Anonymous said...

Ah, as a fellow subscriber of the AJC, I was wondering if this would get brought up. Sorry guys, but I don't think it's going to be saved; it scored in the top ten for least favorite comic strips for EVERY age group (yes, even the 65+ age group; it was #2 of their least favorites, bizarrely).

Also, since you have to vote for two comic strips, please vote for "Ink Pen." It's a decent comic and only got cut because it wasn't popular enough. Please for the love of God, do not vote for Cathy.

Anonymous said...

Since Moy took over, Mary Worth has fallen into the "it's so bad it's good" category. If the masses would only read this blog they would have somewhere to vent their frustrations and Mary would become the strip they love to hate.

Anonymous said...

It comes as no surprise that Mary is among the least favorite strips among the 65+ demographic. Who, afterall, would wish to accept Mary as one of their own?

Wanders said...

Hey, I voted for Mary Worth on both the first and second comic.

Miss Emish said...

I voted for Judge Parker second cuz I think at the very minimum it still has pretty decent art. (it's nothing next to Rex Morgan though, every panel is like a pop art PARTY!) I was worried voting twice for the same comic would somehow invalidate my vote. I have invalid votes on the brain because I live in MN, land of the endless and downright filthy senate campaign. so it's probably just paranoia.

Anonymous said...

Wait. We've decided that Atlanta is where Mary Worth belongs? Not the seventh circle of Hell?

Because I thought it was the seventh circle. "No place like home" for Her Darkness, and all that.

Anonymous said...

I voted, too, but don't be too diappointed if they don't keep it. You can always read it online every day. My newspaper doesn't carry the Mary Worth strip so that's what I have to do. We obviously all have a home or work computer. For those who don't, I would be pretty certain that the readership among those people must be quite low. After all, who could you snark to? In numbers, no less?

Anonymous said...

pandagrandma, now I'm imagining an "I Hate Mary Worth" Luddite group that meets regularly every month (they ought to be able to cover any new material within about fifteen minutes). Topics of discussion include "Karen Moy must be stopped" and "Would it kill the colorists to use different colors for shirts and pants?" Grayish casserole and scampi are served as refreshments.

Anonymous said...

I voted too - a world without Mary is a world without sunshine

Anonymous said...

I would ask that you vote for Judge Parker second. He too deserves to remain in the paper. Only 4 hours till poll closing.

Anonymous said...

Mary didn't get back in today to the AJC.

The votes went to Kevin & Kell and Judge Parker.

At least one story comic stays in Atlanta.