Saturday, May 29, 2010

Mary Worth 760

I guess we can now stop calling her Bonnie? Bonnie Johnson?, and call her bonny Bonnie Johnson instead. Like Aldo Kelrast, Vera Shields, Ted Confey, and Doctor Good, bonny Bonnie Johnson now has a name that is so obvious even she can fit in at Charterstone.

It's all just so marvelous. Two weeks of grueling recovery work and all is well. Think of the marriages that could be saved if Mary Worth would just help people sort through their boxes, or pour out their alcohol, or filter their computers, or fill their refrigerators with produce instead of pizzas. All it takes is a little intervention. . .

Today's Full Strip


Robert said...

Did Mary just make a pass at Bonnie?

Vicki said...

@Robert-- I think yes. Mary looks giddy as a school girl! She prolly doodles hearts with "bonny Bonnie" in purple markers all over her files there.

heydave said...

tell the kids this is just a James Bond ref:

but what about Pussy Galore?
The implications are staggering.

Steve_J_23 said...

@heydave: that is going to be one *very* interesting intervention Mary will have to perform if she joins...