"Allow me to further introduce myself. I have feathered auburn hair, and opal blue eyes. I enjoy psychoanalyzing my girlfriends, balancing my budget, and eating warm bowls of porridge while I check my email. I have attached a photo of Dr. Drew Corey. Now allow me to tell you all about one of my favorite patients, Bonnie Johnson..."
Here we go...
Today's Full Strip
Are you sure that's not a photo of Ted Confi?
Obviously, there will be a "problem" before these two make it to the altar. Wonder what that "problem" will be?
Someone yesterday suggested Dr Roberts might be gay. Could be, but I really don't think Moy knows anything about the existence of such a non-white bread activity.
Maybe they'll be of different religions? No, Moy only shows people who are Episcopalian, so that won't be it.
They're young enough - maybe they were both born to single mothers who may have used the same donor sperm to get pregnant, so these two might be half-brother and sister?
That's about all I've got so early in the morning.
"My name is Dr. Mike Roberts, but those close to me call me Dr. Mike. I'm Bonnie Johnson's therapist, but I guess that wonderful Mary Worth already told you that, but I am, in fact, very proud of the therapeutic work I've done with Bonnie Johnson. I could tell you some stories, but I'll save that for later, as we'll need something to talk about socially. I have my doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Phoenix. My hobbies are macrame and taxidermy and I play mahjong on Sundays with mother and her friends. They are such dears. I haven't been active in the dating "scene" for some time. I was briefly engaged to a young lady, but she enlisted in the Marines and broke off our engagement by email and I've been throwing myself into my work ever since. Speaking of which, I'm currently in the process of writing an article for a scholarly journal on Bonnie Johnson's case, which, as you know is quite fascinating....there I go again. Well, I guess the ball is in your court, as they say, so I'd love to hear all about you and I look forward to hearing your reply. If I may be so bold, I'd love to start planning a meeting, in a social setting, perhaps dinner? I have a few dietary restrictions that might limit our options of venues, but I'm sure we can settle on something that will provide a nice social setting for a date.
Dr. Mike "Dr. Mike" Roberts PhD"
Jedda may be more of a swinger than we thought (or maybe she's just an alcoholic), but it's nice to see that for breakfast with her oatmeal she enjoys a tall glass of beer with lots of foam.
Also: how excited does she appear to be in the second panel?
I hope this leads to an awkward double date with Mary and Jeff at the Bum Boat!
That's quite a nightie/robe combo that sister-girl got on.
@hia5: Gadzooks, it is beer.
@toots: That email message will take months for us to get through. Good thing he didn't send it parcel post.
Jenna, with a beer in front of her, oatmeal piled up in a bowl and wig on pretty darn straight... is ready to FACE THE DAY! Here we go!!
Is she going to eat that or snort it?
"I hope Mary will be available soon to chaperone our first meeting. With luck, Dr. Jeff Corey will be there, too."
It seems Moy "used" Bonnie? Johnson to get to the real story in this cycle.
I agree, the rear picture is definitely Ted "Where's the 10,000 dollars" Confi. So Jenna's issue is she has a questionable brother who uses her good name to assist in his crimes...now what will Dr. Mike's be???
Dr. Dr. Mike,
Hi. How are you? I am fine. I am glad to hear from you. My hobbies include: crossword puzzles, soduku, and collecting keychains. And guess what! I like Mahjong, too!!!!
I love Mary Worth; she is a nice lady! She sent me Bonnie Johnson as a client--my very first client EVER!!! I am SO excited! Now I feel like a "real" financial counselor.
Do you like seafood? I love seafood.
Well, you take care. I hope you write back soon!!
Your friend,
Jenna Tomasina Gomez
P.S. All my friends call me "Queenie", so you can, too.
P.P.S. Please don't tell Mary Worth my real name, though, ok? I kind of think she only likes anglos.
It must be Rheingold beer. Get a good head buzz going, Jenna. The day awaits!
Jenna looks like she is eating breakfast in her office?
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