People sometimes claim this strip moves slowly without revealing anything about character or story. But this single panel is the perfect counter argument to that accusation. In just one panel we learn that in addition to his advanced medical degree, Doctor Roberts is either a financial counselor, or he knows nothing about constructing a sentence. Also, we discover that Jenna's table has two legs that are shorter than the others and she's had to duct tape her laptop to the tabletop. I suspect she's used Velcro to keep the beer glass from toppling over. Also, she seems to have scoliosis in her cervical spine. Yes, we've learned a lot. I'm glad I have 24 hours to assimilate all this information before the next wave of story development hits tomorrow morning.
Today's Full Strip
Thank you for pointing out the (unfortunately) rare grammatical mistake in today's strip. I love me a good syntactical boo-boo--although those arrows on the hospital walls that always seem to point directly to Mary's jugular are my second favorite thing!
Today's out-of-kilter perspective makes me feel nauseous! Feels like we're being sucked into a vortex or something!
Giella is using visual devices to provide movement to an otherwise static form.
Duckdg@ Giella is also using visual devices to provide movement to an otherwise boring story.
And I see Jenna downed her glass of Rheingold pretty darned fast! Why Jane Pauley (in SR time) isn't even on TV yet!
That oatmeal must be cold by now.
Now that Marmaduke has paved the way for the cerebral genre of comic strip to be made into a blockbuster motion picture, what do you think the chances are of our own Mary Worth coming to the big screen? Moy can write the screen play and Giella the storyboards. Meryl Streep can play Mary.
I think a Mary Worth movie would be fabulous! Only I want Betty White to play Mary. Meryl Streep can be Toby, Sean Connery can be Ian. It's a shame that Bob Keeshan isn't alive to play Aldo. Sandra Bullock can play Jenna, with Keanu Reeves as the good Dr. Roberts.
Maude should be a casting director. She's a natural. I especially like Sean Connery as Ian. Now that he's passed, I think Dom Deluise would be a perfect Wilbur.
I must disagree with casting Betty White as Mary. She is much too portly to play the svelte Mary. I still say Meryl could play her as a combination Miranda Priestly and Julia Child. We already know she looks fabulous with platinum hair.
The sound for the laptop appears to be emanating directly from the screen with no internal or external speakers.
Apple's latest "leak"? Hmm...
I don't think anyone will buy a ticket to a three-month long movie.
Well, you could wait in a long line for popcorn and not really miss any of the movie...
A Mary Worth movie...hmmm, could be good.
Castng Mary would be hard. Betty White would be good, but so would be a cardboard cutout attached to a tape recorder.
Of course, all the mens roles would be played by one man with a variety of colored wigs.
It'll be tough to cast the NAPKIN, though.
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